Contest – Who Can Last Longest Watching This Angry Shrew – IOTW Report

Contest – Who Can Last Longest Watching This Angry Shrew

ht/ whiterok

93 Comments on Contest – Who Can Last Longest Watching This Angry Shrew

  1. “Comments are disabled for this video.” I wonder why. . . .Jeesus H Krist this woman is more wrong than castro was on his worst day. What a petty ditz, and why she wants this public???

    She president of planned parenthood?

    Ouch. Jeez. Hole E Fook. Sounds like shes stuck her brain through a wringer. frikkin A, this woman belongs in a padded cell.

  2. She’s angry –
    “Church = white supremacy meet-up”
    “Endorsed by the KKK”
    “Trump raped a 13 year old”
    “Hillary didn’t commit any crimes”
    “LGBT rights”

    And that’s just for starters.

  3. And this is where they make the same mistake every time. Starting At 5 mins She says “…our needs take a backseat…”. Wrong on so many levels.

    What we have been telling you for years, at first quietly but now shouting in your face is that you are wrong. Your needs are not more important than mine, or his, or hers. You are no better than what you think you are calling out. You think your needs ARE more important than everybody else.

    You are whiney, petulent little ingrates and it’s naptime.

    PS: Hope everyone heeded sage advice and is having fun in Watters’ World. You have one last chance at 2AM EST.


  4. Nice painted-on clown eyebrows ya got there damaged goods. Still wrestling with Daddy issues I see. Nice of you to sober up by noon so you could hysterically rant how rayyyyyycist we who voted for Trump are. Joan Crawford called. She wants her look and coat hanger back. Who partial-birthed your personality? That last libtard who gave you crabs? Bitter at God much? Oh…

    WE. WON. 🖕🏿😎🖕🏿

  5. I listened to the entire thing. A blast! With work, and input from Satan, she could pack more vitriol and lies into half the time.

    Freedom loving Americans have fought and died to stay free. If we have to, we know what to do with people who think my beliefs don’t matter as much as their actions.

  6. Self absorbed, teflon coated to all coherent arguments and utterly ego-protected as to why she is simply worong on her (already refuted) liberal talking points. Not worth the sweat off my balls to engage. Sadly, her mental illness will be her undoing and she will be the most surprised of all when she is laying there bleeding to death with her throat slit by a muslim-terrorist who she had just tried to bring under the big liberal tent of toelrance.

  7. Oh look. She has her own set of Vox notes, the collected works.

    I made it to 3:55. Here’s her fatal flaw. She needs a captive audience for this to make her feel better. YT and Vimeo and DK are not it.

    She never made to the crank and nag Lizzie Warren level, so I told her she was an amateur.

  8. 2:20 watching. I couldn’t look at that smug self-righteousness while hearing her spiteful maw drone on. Around the time she said, “f–k you” I said it back to her and shut her mouth for her. So roughly 5:20 total.

  9. Watched the whole moronic rant. It’s great entertainment watching a has been, slumming elitist perform a hate filled beatnik monologue while having a meltdown. Only thing missing is finger snapping applause from her lunatic leftist friends.

  10. Wow, her hemorrhoids must have been really bleeding from the butt pounding she took for her to have come up with this racist, fascist and borderline psychotic eight minute rant. I hope that it helped her clot.

  11. Hi Fur, I watched the whole thing. I thought since I endured it all, I would get a prize but there are posters who said that they made it through the eight minutes and fourty-four seconds of this video. So I looked up this “Broad” and found her website.

    Here is the URL for her site:

    And this page has a video which sums up her. Warning! This is a NSFW video, MPAA rating of R ( at least! ) and should not be seen by children under any circumstances!

    Yes, someone should make a counter-point to this thing, I would be happy to donate to it.

  12. Watched the whole thing, because it was fun to see a self-important prig make such an ass out of herself. That she must think giving us Trump supporters a good scolding, will make some of us cringe with self-loathing is HILARIOUS!

  13. Sorry to be old fashioned about this, but that lady needs to get laid.
    Not her controlled version, where her man begs for an hour, has to contend with a bunch of rules while she lies there like a slug, then he cries at the end because he’s overwhelmed.
    She needs a Red Neck pounding. The kind where furniture gets broken in all the fun.
    Something to mess up her inner hair-do.
    Something that lasts longer than I could watching her drone on about what pisses her ‘intellect’ off; 30 seconds with a jump ahead for a possible money shot, of which there was none.

  14. I watched all of it. I think it is important to understand the other view point, and she articulates it well.
    I didn’t hear what country the angry shrew was moving to, did you?

  15. About 35 seconds. I think that was where she started in about her rights being taken away.

    Next time you post a YouTube video accusing us of taking away your rights, don’t disable comments and take away our right to respond.

  16. I watched the whole thing. I’ve debated and been unfriended by people who talk JUST LIKE HER on facebook. The fact that they cannot see that they’ve been lied to by the media is so very sad. Even if Trump is twice as good for our country as I could possibly hope, they’ll still be talking about how terrible he is.

    What got me was “you voted with the KKK”. Well, you voted with the Communist Party. Are YOU ashamed? No? Are you an open communist? They like to kill lots of people?

  17. 3:30. It’s just boring. I’m amazed she thinks calling someone racist, sexist and homophobic still has power. It’s been rolling of my back since the eighties. She needs new material.

  18. I got all the way through it, but I confess I had to turn down the audio and imagine that she was naked. I find this works with a lot of long winded self-righteous wimmen, provided they are marginally attractive.

  19. 1:44 of close-minded, allodoxaphobic nonsense I had to bail when she did that thing about voting for the same guy that the kkk voted for while not realizing that she voted for the same candidate that the American communist party voted for.

  20. I was in California recently and ran into this person. Well being a Trump voter I tried to grab her by the pussy and to my surprise there was a cock where the pussy was supposed to be! I was confused so I apologized and he/she/it? stomped off angrily.

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