Does Obama Like Hot Sauce With His Crow? – IOTW Report

Does Obama Like Hot Sauce With His Crow?


Obama mocking Trump about bringing jobs back to America.

He admittedly says he is clueless about how to go about doing it.

26 Comments on Does Obama Like Hot Sauce With His Crow?

  1. Obama/Jarrett was(is) the worst kind of incompetent. Lord, watching that clip is infuriating. I can’t count the number of times he shot my BP up when I’d hear that I know it all bullshit(the 80s called Mitt and they want their foreign policy back). He really is a special kind of stupid.

    Most everyone that’s incompetent thinks they are doing things better than they actually are so that isn’t why why he was such a nightmare.

    His incompetence was(is) fueled by Weapons Grade Narcissism coupled with virtually the unlimited power to take his incompetence to never before seen levels. He was a slave to his ideology without a molecule of pragmatism.

    Being black and fueling calls of racism from Day 1 made him untouchable(in their minds) by the only people that are Constitutionally mandated to stop this bullshit. Fucking cowards.

    Count on these last few months to bring more of the same from him. Maybe our Congress might have the decency to do something but don’t count on it.

  2. I anticipate this final line in PRESIDENT Trump’s inauguration speech:
    “You had your eight years. Now, shut up and stand aside you commie punk and watch how a real president runs this country.”

  3. In fifty days our country’s eight year nightmare will finally come to a merciful end. This video reminds us why we should never elect a clueless community organizer to accomplish anything except blowing hot air. After eight years, Obumbler is just as ignorant about the economy now as he was when he first got elected to the Senate. In the next few years this country is going to realize what a disaster this unqualified, race hustling, smooth talking, ignoramus this man really was.

  4. Lecturing us for 8 years to get over ourselves, that we’re not special, that we need to get used to mediocrity he is already being embarrassed by Trump. This is just the beginning. Plan on Barry being front and center for the entire 4, nah, 8 years actively and publicly working against Trump. It’s going to be a wild ride.

  5. Obama can’t even *mansplain* the critique of Trump’s idea of keeping Jobs in the USA. Job Training is code for MORE TAXPAYER MONEY. Has anyone ever asked Obama what type of Job Training is he referring to? Where are all these classes of Job Training located? Has the press even interviewed someone who’s completed the Job Training course? Did they get a JOB?

  6. What seems like incompetence might be a feature and not a flaw?
    Due to the plan destruction of this country by our enemy’s.
    Trump will have his hands full no matter what, with all the people in the world that are trying to sabotage America and have.
    But who else could be better for the job?

  7. What seems like incompetence might be a feature and not a flaw?
    Due to the plan destruction of this country by our enemy’s.
    Trump will have his hands full no matter what, with all the people in the world that are trying to sabotage America and have.
    But who else could be better for the job???

  8. The sad thing is, Romney said the same thing when he ran. He marched throughout Michigan saying “These auto jobs are just gone, permanently.”
    Mr. Trump said, “I will work to keep these jobs and to bring jobs back.”
    I don’t think Hillary ever addressed the issue, that I could see.
    Which person am I giving my vote? That’s who won.

  9. Obama doesn’t have an answer on how to bring jobs back from Mexico because he has NO CLUE IN HELL on how to being jobs back from Mexico. Listen to his fat baby self stutter.

  10. The magic wand and answer is to get fcuking goobermint out of the way, you fcuktard!

    Quit making policy that incentivizes corporate revenues to go elsewhere. It’s very simple, however it goes against the leftist belief that corporations are bad, m’kay! Fcuking bumbling ID10T.

  11. May he fuck himself with a broomstick — sideways!
    Will there come a day when I do not have a raging hatred for this Commie, Muslim, Kenyan fraud?

    The Democrats knowingly and purposely perpetrated this fraud upon the American people — for that alone, ALL of them should go to prison!

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