I Loathe Pelucy – IOTW Report

I Loathe Pelucy

I completely forgot about this series I did back in the day.

This “episode” was a parody of the infamous grape-stomping scene when Lucy visited Italy.

I’m reposting because I cannot believe that Pelosi has survived the dem’s shellacking. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The dems, and thankfully more and more people are catching on to this, are insane.




15 Comments on I Loathe Pelucy

  1. I know what you mean: Schmuck Schumer was on the radio today shouting that “Trump and the Republicans are going to take away senior’s medicare”. These assholes have learned nothing!

  2. Are all the Dhimmos like Timmeh Kaine? No spines, just jelly? With moving eyebrows? Someone should close in on that old saggybeewbs and stomp the living shit out of her. Remember how she went trooping across the floor with her big hammer held high, like Attila the Hen? I loathe that skank. The fear runs strong around Speakers. My Rep representative I no longer support was afraid of Boehner.

  3. i have finally surrendered to the fact that we will have pelosi until she drops dead, and i rationalize her persistence by telling myself that you always need a leftist mascot for lunacy

  4. Hey, I got no problem with the Dummycrats voting Pelosi back in. Hell, she’s done such a shitty job and will continue to do so, so that leaves open a LOT of possibilities for us! That is, provided the Republicans do’t “F” it up!!

  5. Easy Jimmy. We get a mulligan for a change. Let’s see how this plays out. I, for one, think that divine intervention has been granted to America. Just in time.
    We have the opportunity to right the ship and so far, even before Inauguration Day, some serious positive signs.

  6. A lib on the radio offered an explanation for her keeping her seat; she knows everyone in her caucus very well, and she’s a phenomenal fundraiser. Translation: she knows where the bodies are buried and she’s good at extortion.

    I can’t stand her either, but I think she’s great as the face of the Ds. Corrupt, vain, not too bright and slightly deranged. That self-satisfied crinkly little-girl smiley act is not so much charming as it is a twitch and a tell.

  7. I hope Pelussy learns HER lesson! She believes is it Okay to
    let deranged criminals into the U.S. because she knows that
    these criminals will bring with them their litters of mexican
    kids who will work in the fields for almost zero wages, and
    put Americans out of work. And that’s not counting the drain on Welfare and Medicare that they will cause. But Pelussy doesn’t care because she makes almost $ 200,000.00/
    year—tax free!

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