Drudge Poll Results- “buh bye” Megyn Kelly – IOTW Report

Drudge Poll Results- “buh bye” Megyn Kelly

Overwhelmingly, readers on Drudge say the Megyn Kelly belongs on CNN.



I agree.

She is a perfect fit for CNN, where leftists believe they “are not ideological.”

They think leaning left is the absolute neutral center, the natural order of things.

They are unable to see bias, and can’t smell their own bad breath.

Hasta la vista, baby.


28 Comments on Drudge Poll Results- “buh bye” Megyn Kelly

  1. I’m hooked on Tucker Carlson. He is brilliant and doesn’t interrupt, or finish the sentence of, a host, as Mr. Parole does.
    I only watch Mr.Parole when Dennis Miller is on. I try to catch Hannity late at night if I’m sober.

  2. She tried to be Barbara Walters with her primetime special. That failed.

    When she started at 9, she seemed to stick to the news. Now everything is about her, it’s like she caught the ego bug from O’Reilly.

    I think she’s trying to be Oprah, but she lacks her warmth.

  3. CNN can’t come up with the 20 mil she’s getting now. They definitely won’t be able to compete when her contract is up and she wants more. They’ll get her only if the Murdock kids don’t want her anymore or she’s willing to take a pay cut…..HA! Fat chance of that happening.

  4. Hope she gets a long-term contract at one of the lib alphabet networks that will be soon going bankrupt.
    She looks like a casino cocktail-waitress/dancer in that pic.

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