Is there a leftist out there that wants to defend Nashid’s argument? Are you willing to claim that this dope is making any sort of lucid point?
He’s on Tucker’s show to defend this tweet-
So white officer Alan Horujko who shot and killed the Black Somali stabbing suspect in Ohio is being paraded as a hero. Thats interesting
He’s basically saying, with chocolate chip cookie crumbs all over his lips, “I didn’t eat no damn chocolate chip cookie.”
It’s actually depressing. My hope is that this sort of institutionalized race baiting clown goes the way of the Bowler hat, mainly because the only people left in the industry seem to be morons.
I’ve seen interviews with Malcolm X. The guy wasn’t dumb. Tareeq Nashid is.
So I guess Tucker is White Supremacist now… got it.
Calling this moron a Dumb Shit is really insulting to shit!
Tucker is giving idiot liberals a beatdown every night. It’s fun to watch!
Love the way Tucker holds the dead pan look all the while probing the level of bigotry and racism in his nut job guests.
I would say he will run out of fools to hold up for ridicule but who an I kidding, they are fools after all.
Pelosi for speaker, awesome, Ellison for DNC, oh please do it.
It seems the Dims have caught the fever the Republicans had.
Trump is the cure, the Progs won’t take the vaccine, they would rather catch the disease.
The Republicans aren’t winning because they are so great, they are winning because the Dims are just not getting anything and their base consists of people like Tariq .
Tariq knows the drill. He’s black, and you aren’t. Therefore, he can’t be wrong, and you can’t be right. Whatever you say is racist, and the fact that you don’t agree with him is proof of that. He’s also angry because he knows he’s surrounded by racists. Yep, he’s stupid, foolish, and dangerous.
If you put two quarters in a Tareeq Nasheed what would be dispensed?
Are you sure that a Tareeq Nasheed is not a Muslim frying pan!
I’ve never heard people so quick to label people, as liberals are.
My very intelligent (really, she is, and non-college graduate, so SHOULD have escaped indoctrination) liberal sister, in the 1980’s always introduced me to people by stating their ‘label’; ‘My lesbian friend, Kristin’, or ‘my gay co-worker, Jim’ & she never failed to be sure that I knew so and so was Asian, (always quick to correct my use of the old ‘Oriental’ term) Black, Hispanic, & etc.
It always bothered me. After I pinpointed why it bothered me, I asked why she did it. Her answer, ‘To respect the person’s proclivities’. Then I asked her why she didn’t have any heterosexual or Caucasian friends. You all know the reaction I got from that. Her computer froze. Totally blank, mouth hanging open. Then I asked if she respected me, why does she neglect to introduce me as her Heinz 57, heterosexual sister. Final response: ‘Well, if your going to be like that I just won’t introduce you!’ Hooray, I don’t like meeting people anyway.
@Snicker: 50 cents worth of stupidity
Nah, Tariq is an amplifier. If you put in 50 cents – he outputs 500 bucks of dumb-ass stupid.
The left has nothing left but “racism” – and they’ve over used it to the point that we all laugh at them. I guess this guy wants to be the next Reverend Jackson.
One of the deprecating tweets I read was “cop was doing his job. Is a cashier a hero for giving correct change?”
What these ignorant progtards refuse to learn is cops, according to a Supreme Court ruling, are NOT required or obligated to put themselves in jeopardy to defend others. So yes, cops who do so ARE heros.
Everything you needed to know about this Tariq character you could see in the tweet where the color of the cop was described as “white” with a lower case “w” whereas the terrorist was described as “Black” with an uppercase “B”.
If you rearrange the letters in “Tariq Nashid”, you get “Ignorant Shithead”…sort of.
I had never heard of this turdnugget until this week when his tweets mysteriously started showing up in my timeline.
I read a few of his pearl of wisdom and then I blocked him.
He can call me whatever he wants and he can go on and one about what a racist I am. I don’t care. Carlson was in a no-win situation with that idiot as he spewed his nonsensical drivel for the whole segment without saying anything. The only part I like was watching the jerk try to yell “Black Lives Matter” after they cut his audio.
He’s not very smart.
At 0:44 on the video, did this guy just five Tucker the finger?
Tucka, Tucka, Tucka. Two minutes of listening to this bigot wrap himself around a slinky denying he said what he said, I felt like I just got off the Tilt-a-Whirl and threw up.
I’d like to slap the shine off his arrogant face.