“I Had No Idea Monkey Face Might Be Considered Offensive” – IOTW Report

“I Had No Idea Monkey Face Might Be Considered Offensive”

Personally, I don’t think Michelle Obama has a face like a monkey.  But, there are black people who do. There are white people that look like monkeys. Larry King looks like a frog. Mitch McConnell looks like a turtle.

It’s a tough sell these days to try and convince people that if you say anything negative whatsoever about a minority that it isn’t racist and bigoted. And if you go to “monkey face,” you’re going to be on the perpetually offended radar.

I find it hard to believe this woman didn’t think “monkey face” would earn her a challenge by someone out there.

Should she lose her job?

Well, Bill Clinton called Obama the “coffee boy” and he was poised to be the “first gentleman,” favored by the very people who are looking for this woman’s scalp.

NEWSER) – A pediatric anesthesiologist at the University of Colorado’s medical school is losing her job there after racist Facebook comments directed toward Michelle Obama were flagged, the Denver Post and Denver 7 report. Dr. Michelle Herren reportedly posted a photo that showed the first lady screaming with the comment, “Doesn’t seem to be speaking too eloquently here, thank god we can’t hear her! Harvard??? That’s a place for ‘entitled’ folks said all the liberals!” She then added: “Monkey face and poor ebonic English!!! There! I feel better and am still not racist!!! Just calling it like it is!” Also calling it like it is: Joann Nieto, who informed the university of the comments after she saw the post stayed up for four days.
A school spokesman said Thursday “we are beginning the process to terminate Dr. Herren’s faculty appointment” (a nonpaid position), adding she has “compromised her ability” to teach and care for patients. It’s not yet clear what the fate of her $363,00-a-year job at Denver Health Medical Center will be, though it confirms to Denver 7 she won’t be seeing patients “until further notice.” A rep adds, “We are bumping up against a First Amendment right,” with the Post noting it’s difficult to fire public-sector employees who make offensive remarks when they’re not at work. Herren tells Denver 7 her remarks were taken “out of context” and were in response to another comment that argued people can criticize Melania Trump freely but the same isn’t true for Obama. She added she had no idea “monkey face” might be considered offensive.

33 Comments on “I Had No Idea Monkey Face Might Be Considered Offensive”

  1. A DNA sample of Michelle will set this doctor free….monkey/ man/monkey/man….and I think I might love her(not Michelle), so that’s a problem we can manage on a family vacation to Orlando…mayhaps NAPA, I do need some O-rings….

  2. Sorry but I’m not buying that she didn’t realize “monkey face” would make liberals’ heads explode. I’m not generally into getting people fired, but it’s just not wise to play right into their game. She could have said something else critical of the mooch that in court could not be attacked as racist.

  3. I think we need to have the gals over at Motus make the call on this one. And the best part is if you lose you get sent to there well stocked ” Tea Trolley “

  4. Mooch isn’t a monkey face. She’s straight out of Alien.

    Last year LeBron James’ 2 sons sang Happy Birthday to him. They did the silly version of the song’ You belong in a zoo. You look like a monkey and smell like one too.’ They were googling and precious.
    I was waiting for some leftist A Hole in the media to declare those 2 adorable boys to be racist.

  5. @ Eugenia Happy Deplorable

    That is the exact problem, we are being ‘conditioned’ by the libs to expect an outburst for not ‘towing the line’.

    I say screw them, each and every one of them….. take full advantage of the 1st Amendment while we still have it.

  6. Guess what?
    If the radical Left keeps calling decent White people racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBTQ long enough, then maybe that’s just what they’re gonna wind up with!
    I know that I for one am getting real damn tired of of seeing all this fabricated, ginned-up victim-hood!

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