Congressional Repubs Contemplate ZombieCare – IOTW Report

Congressional Repubs Contemplate ZombieCare


Instead of “Repeal and Replace” for Obamacare, Republicans in Congress are considering “Repeal and Delay” up to three years.  This would give them more time to come up with a viable alterative and gradually transition into ReplacementCare.

Delaying however, comes with the risk of a total collapse of the existing system before the replacement is ready and / or stakeholders staying on the sidelines, unwilling to take any risk in an uncertain climate.


20 Comments on Congressional Repubs Contemplate ZombieCare

  1. LISTEN UP OLD WHITE ELITES in Congress….toe the line or you will be recalled, or never be returned to office. Think the American voters can’t do that to you? HIDE AND WATCH, you shitpickles.

  2. Dumbasses! It’s really a simple fix. Repeal all the bad shit, save the good shit (like preexisting conditions) and institute tort reform. Let the industry figure it out like they had to previously and then blame Obama relentlessly for any problems that arise.

  3. If they do that, we get our choice of the following:

    (1) Tax strike.
    (2) Million man march on Washington.
    (3) Government shutdown.
    (4) Kiss my big Irish ass.
    (5) _________________ (insert your choice here)
    (D) All of the above.

  4. Did Congress ever know anything about capitalism?
    WHERE in the Constitution does it give the federal government power to do anything regarding healthcare?
    Congress can’t stay away from government meddling in areas where they have no responsibility and taxes.

  5. It Docent need replacement, it need to be repealed. Things were fine before obamacare, and they will be fine without it again. There is no section in the Constitution that guarantees that the government has to provide healthcare.

  6. The Foundation Documents never mention the words “Health Care” anywhere.
    According to the 10th Amendment the state governments are the proper providers of Health Care.
    The Feds can subsidize, but cannot provide Health Care.

  7. This is what happens when you let the government participate in something they shouldn’t be involved in AT ALL.

    Insurance was meant to encompass catastrophic events, not every sniffle or sneeze or visit.

    Get government the fuck out of our lives, dammit. This is the job of the government – to ensure the blessings of LIBERTY, not maintain control of everything about my life forever.

  8. Is it that they don’t want to learn, or are just to stupid to learn? What freaks. I suppose they agree with the democrats that Hillary won the mandate! JACKA$&ES!

  9. Work to put healthcare back the way it was then improve that. And we don’t need you elites pondering this and studying that for 18 months and, in effect, doing nothing. Work with President Trump or go home for good. We’re so tired of you all.

  10. Any solution that does not begin with a one-line bill which essentially says ‘0bamacare is repealed’ is the wrong solution. There are plenty of ways to ‘fix’ healthcare in USA, but they must all be done only after 0-care is repealed.

  11. They want the time so the democrats can regain control of the senate in two years and then nothing can be done (would be their excuse)

    Obamacare increases government, gives more power to politicians they want it to stay, trump needs to jerk it out by its roots.

  12. Sounds like more DemSM “fake news” to me, to discredit the RepubliTards before they actually do something/anything. SO tread cautiously.
    If this is real news, and if I find out my Kongress Kritter didn’t vote for an out-and-out repeal, then per Jimmy’s quiz above, I choose #5:
    tall tree, long rope, politician, some assembly required.

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