Democrats – IOTW Report



13 Comments on Democrats

  1. The Demonrats have embraced socialism (just as have the Republicrats, though to a lesser degree) and will not relinquish it regardless of how many must die, or what must be destroyed to facilitate its implementation.

    Pelosi’s made that clear.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. There’s an interesting history to that particular illusion. Lionel Penrose and his son Roger created the first drawing of it in 1959, inspired by earlier by M. C. Escher. But Escher didn’t do the staircase until he’d seen the Penrose drawing. And unknown to both Penroses and Escher, Danish graphic artist Oscar Reutersvärd had independently created the exact same staircase illusion.

    Esched had not created any “impossible figures” before seeing the Penrose Triangle and Staircase. His interesting geometric stuff was imaginative surface tessellations (tilings) where stylized birds, fish, etc., completely covered the surface, generally in two flocks, schools, etc. moving in opposite directions through each other.

    This stuff is so cool!

  3. it’s similar to a catchphrase I came up with several years ago – “Democrats are proof that you can have your head so far up your ass that you have to open your mouth to see where you are going”

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