Why Obama Likely is Secretly Glad Hillary Lost – IOTW Report

Why Obama Likely is Secretly Glad Hillary Lost

American Thinker: Am I the only person who thinks that in Barak Obama’s heart of hearts   lies a glimmer of glee now that the Clintons won’t be moving into the White House when he moves out?  Roll your eyes in skepticism, if you will. But hear me out before launching a barrage of Bronx cheers.

Yes, yes, I know.  Obama took time out from his busy presidential schedule to campaign for Hillary.  On the other hand, he’s taken time out to play golf, fly off to vacations, fund-raise, and do other things unrelated to the business at hand.  Face it: the garrulous guy has always loved being on the stump.  In fact, he delivers speeches better than he delivers the promises in them.  And even if he isn’t allowed by law to run for a third term, he has sufficient conceit to believe that he could handily have whipped both Hillary and The Donald.

Obama would be the first to remind us that the longer the contentious 2016 presidential campaign dragged on, the higher his approval ratings rose, if only because he was not actually a candidate.   Still, our sitting president is vain enough to take this as a sign of his enduring popularity, of which he intends to take full advantage when he leaves office.  In a way, it will help him that Secretary Clinton was defeated, since there now appears to be no other Democrat who is capable of reminding the world how he won two elections and did much good.

Such a rationale could insure that Obama remains a significant — and even idolized – figure  among disillusioned Democrats.  Republicans may not approve of how “un-presidential” he has behaved since the November election.  But in the eyes of his supporters, he is still the only undisputed hero they have.  more

12 Comments on Why Obama Likely is Secretly Glad Hillary Lost

  1. And deep down, Bubba is thrilled that the shrew didn’t win….after all, he’s the only Clintoon that will ever inhabit the oval orifice, unless his demon spawn should attempt it one day. I’ve always felt that his ego wouldn’t sit still for being second banana.

  2. I’m not seeing it. Everything he has worked for (when he was working) is going to be dismantled: Obamacare, the Iran Deal, Open borders and Dodd/Frank.

    That is his legacy. After two terms the people voted for a House, Senate & POTUS to undo everything he did. Its an unprecedented epic fail.

  3. I don’t care one wit about what he thinks or does. My hope is that all these whorenolists that have been sitting on juicy stories about him and will try to get some semblance of their reputation back by spilling it out.
    Can’t wait for my uber Lib inlaws to come for Christmas. They I’m sure are chomping at the bit to give me their two cents on Trump ( from their sources Jon Stewart, GMA, MSNBC and NYT).
    I no longer engage in facts and logic. I simply call them names and tell them they are the most underinformd misinformed, by design, in any room they walk into.
    And I have one reply: You voted for Obama. Twice. You have no standing whatsoever to judge anyone, anywhere, any place at this time or any time in the future. Now enjoy the tenderloin.

  4. Pelopidas – O is happy because instead of enduring the ridicule of failed ‘legacy’ programs, now he’ll be able to put the blame on Trump (after Trump dismantles those programs). The old liberal, commie rant of ‘it would have worked if we gave it more time and money’.

  5. First Black President? I wish that were true. He does appear to me to be a full blown Black African but alas his own publicity lists him as half white! Let’s all agree to let the Africans claim him as 100% their own!

  6. the irony is that obama proved to all that the system is broken, and open to dictatorial rule, and this opened the door for the unconventional trump, and the people clearly revolted against the corruption and gave us a new breath of life starting 20 jan

    obama is vain and delusional, and as the historians connect the legacy dots, the findings will disprove his positive impact

    even obama struggles at naming an accomplishment, blamed bush for first 4 yrs, blamed congress for next 4 for lack of “progress”, and any “progress” under obama only meant the further demise of america

  7. Be interesting to see how far the long arms of the Clinton Crime Syndicate can reach, no matter where the Pouf parks his female ass. Common knowledge is that he encourages his detail to stay drunk, for whatever nefarious reasons he has.

  8. “… Obama’s heart of hearts …”

    Yer fukkin kiddin, right?
    Demons don’t HAVE hearts.
    Neither do Demonic Narcissists.
    He’s a raging fukkin psychopath.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I have to agree with Pelopidas. Once the crushing weight of the ACA comes off our backs, the sun starts to shine on the economy again, etc, etc, he’ll be rendered irrelevant. Oh, he’ll have the platform and the media megaphone but few will be listening. I know I won’t nor will half the country. The other half will be looking for another savior as he will be able to do little more than blather on and it will start to become as meaningless to the frantic libs as it has been to us for 8 years. Besides, with near unlimited golf time, he may just decide to stay out of our hair for the most part and charm his buds with his girlie swing.

    I’m more worried about the locals in congress (both sides) fighting him the whole way and playing real dirty doing it or a globalist cabal doing something to the banks, currency, etc to ruin the economy which is already perched at the edge of the abyss as it is. Debt at a cosmically colossal 20 tril, AYFKM? At least the infrastructure is in good shape from that superb ’09 stimulus.

  10. His approval numbers are complete and utter bullshit. If they weren’t, Trump wouldn’t have won and republicans wouldn’t have taken control of nearly everything when it comes to federal and state legislatures. The only dumbasses that believe that tripe are the same dumbasses that believed the Hildabeast was going to win in a massive landslide.

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