How the heck is Kissinger still alive? – IOTW Report

How the heck is Kissinger still alive?

He’s 93. But by my calculations he should be 103.

There is no way this guy is 48ย in this picture.


See, what’s fooling me is that Kissinger looked like a fossil in 1971. Looking at him then I’d figure the guy had about 2o years left. It’s 45 years later and he’s still around.

Some people just looked old when they were young. It’s disturbing.


20 Comments on How the heck is Kissinger still alive?

  1. Do you realize that if a woman named Wanda had married Howard Hughes, then divorced him and married Henry Kissinger, she’d be Wanda Hughes Kissinger now?

    (OK, OK, I’ll close the door behind me…)


  2. A globalist who thought Hillary would have been a great president.

    Kissinger, the pessimist, defeatist, compromiser during the Vietnam War.

    He recommended depleting the US Military in Vietnam, moved headlong into Vietnamization as he sat in Paris wining, dining, negotiating with our enemy. At the same time those in Vietnam were left dangling at the end of a rope with diminishing support.

    Just another Bullshit “Nobel Peace Prize” winner (1973) Won through abdication of our National Policy and reduced support of our Military.

    Kissinger succeeded where John Kerry, Jane Fonda and Hanoi Hannah failed. All four have American Blood on their hands.

  3. Old Man Bush is still alive also. They are giving Bill Clinton something to keep him alive too, he should be dead by now. Zbigne Brezninsky is another one that should be dead but is defying all reality. Carter, brain cancer, 93 and should be dead long ago.

    There must be something 20 floors under the Pentagon in a room few have ever been inside where they perform or inject some sort of miracle elixer in a handful of these demons that keeps them alive. Maybe its got something to do with the aliens from outer space.

    Is it irony, fate, or something else that the only good one, Ronald Reagan, is gone ?? Maybe they refused to take him down to the secret room & decided to try to kill him instead.

  4. Fetal grindings.

    Fur, most 45 year old men during the 1960s looked 65. Leftover genes from the generation before them. Pics of Americans around 1920 look like Europeans. And they all look weather-worn.

  5. @Corona

    Exchanging family photos with a cousin a few years ago showed just what you said. Our fathers looked the same from their late 20s until they died in their 40s. It was very odd.

    Either they burnt their candles brightly or the world took their youth early. Maybe both.

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