Tucker Carlson’s Daily Takedown of Leftwing Loons is Not Appreciated by Some “Conservatives” – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson’s Daily Takedown of Leftwing Loons is Not Appreciated by Some “Conservatives”

There are sites out there that continue to shoot themselves in the junk.

You see, Carlson doesn’t sufficiently hate Trump, and because of this his show is sneered at by certain sites. They say that he’s punching down.

This is where we are now. If you don’t take down Trump, you’re a “Trump-humper,” and all the work you do shining spotlights on leftist loons with horrible arguments is not only for naught, it’s a net negative.

Why would one ever be concerned that a leftist is a lightweight and Carlson is punching down? That sounds like they secretly think that certain leftists are smart and have good ideas, ones that would pose a problem for Carlson in a debate.

These sites are out on a thin reed, ready to fall into a tar pit that they may never emerge from.


35 Comments on Tucker Carlson’s Daily Takedown of Leftwing Loons is Not Appreciated by Some “Conservatives”

  1. Liberals seem so dumb and full of hate that they don’t notice that they are standing on thin ice, which is melting quickly from the hate-heat they generate.

    It would be so nice to hear one, just one, who could speak on their own without using the very old, often heard, without merit talking points issued to them.

  2. Sam – Therein lies the true difference between us. Actual conservatives weigh and sift through current facts and opinions to intellectually determine what they should and do think.

    Liberals / progressives simply don’t have the mental acuity to do anything other than spout the brainless bilge that is handed to them in manufactured “talking points” by what they view as their intellectual “betters” (which doesn’t take much) – they have no capacity for deep, serious thought and are only capable of parroting what their “leaders” are spewing about a given issue.

  3. Self importance on full display when ticking off the talking points. A degree in Social & Cultural Sciences??? v accredited Environmental Science degree? I imagine there’s a nervous breakdown in her future when she realizes she could’ve saved a boatload of $$$ and just stayed in a Holiday Inn Express.

    Why do these churls agree to appear on TC show? They know they’re gonna get spanked. Think I just answered my own question.

  4. I think LOT of people have made comparisons to 1938 in the past eight years leading up to now as a direct result of Barry’s “I´ve got a pen and a phone”, “The good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want”, autocratic, Constitution-stomping, Bullgarian-speaking, productivity-obstructing, court-tampering, dictatorial, monument-Barrycading, race-divisive, class-divisive, community-organizing, maladroit, fundamentally-transforming, out-of-touch imperialist attitude!
    Once again Liberals turn the tables and accuse others of exactly what they are!

  5. Why do the leftists think everyone is ignorant of the fact that Hitler was the head of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, aka the NAZI party, and then go on to pretend the political left isn’t much closer to the Nazis than the political right is.

  6. The hate crimes that are spiking?? Yamean the black on white beast downs? Those hate crimes?

    And she wants the EPA to continue it’s rampage through our economy and is upset because an adult is set on reigning it in. Tough shit.

  7. I like how Tucker laughed right at her.
    Then when this stupid child tried to spout ‘facts’ about the new EPA guy suing the EPA, Tucker displays a far deeper knowledge of the subject than she does, tells her that 28 AG’s sued.
    Then, he tells her right to her face she does not know anything the subject and laughs right at her as she squirms.
    Tucker has brought deriding liberals into the mainstream.
    Like a fine American whiskey, I look forward to Tucker’s show at the end of the day

  8. Important to be critical when a non-dem is in office. Got it.
    How is this punching down? She ran for public office and put herself out there with her article. So now we are supposed to look the other way because some asshats deem the person to be an idiot? She went on the show voluntarily. He was actually trying to get her to critically think and realize that she is making a bunch of attacks that have no basis. This is why his ratings are high – people want to see these leftist loons exposed. If I want to see them given an open forum, coddled and reassured I’ll turn on CNN.

  9. Tucker’s weapon is his intellect and genuine pleasant demeanor. He doesn’t yell and scream like many, smiles a lot and has a good sense of humor. He’s also NOT stuck up on himself.

  10. That poor hand gesturing puppet does not like what she calls white supremacy does that mean that as a white person she wants and yearns to be ruled by any and every non-white person or persons? She could use a taste of Muslim sharia law!

  11. LOL …..her face in the photo above!

    It is what is known as CBF Cat Butt Face. That sour, pursed up mouth your mother in law or ex wife gets when they are miffed at you for being called out on her shit. Just like looking at the nether end of your cat. CBF

  12. The ridiculous bint didn’t realize that by comparing a PEOTUS to Hitler she lost the argument before Tucker even opened his mouth.
    They will keep coming on Tucker, all think they are better than any conservative and will take flesh wounds to prove it.
    “So, all regulations are good?”, the money shot.
    Hell, Trump hasn’t said one time he would stop the seas from rising. Climate change, it’s a thing, just not mans thing.
    Ridicule, Kryptonite to a Prog, Tucker deserves Megame’s spot.
    Tucker, exposing the Prog’s foolish ideals, one harpy harridan at a time.

  13. @Bubba’s Brother December 8, 2016 at 4:05 am

    > Liberals / progressives simply don’t have the mental acuity to do anything other than spout the brainless bilge that is handed to them

    I don’t want to talk up the mentality of the masses – though I would hope for acceptance that there are some exceptions.

    But their – universal (I already know that’s going to come back to smack me) – emotion is envy. They all want to feel that cartoon Frenchman ooze “Jealous?”. No one wants the shoes that nobody else has because nobody wants them. Some people desperately want everybody else to know that they have the shoes that Everybody Wants(TM), but can’t have.

    Being the (bridezilla) center of attention, repeating the articles of faith that all Good(TM) people can mumble in their sleep, doesn’t prove how smart you are. It asks them the (all important) question “Doncha’ wish you were me?”. And it’s an article of faith that all Good(TM) people will clap and cheer, and feel – oh so – “Jealous?”. That’s why deviation from (today’s) script from “popular trend setters” is so dangerous (to Good(TM) people): The stiletto heels with the green tips might be fake; they might be yesterday’s cast-off model; they might be the Next Brilliant Idea(TM) (after “popular trend setters” approve) – but they’re not the ones with the red tips, that you’d be so jealous of somebody else having, so you know – oh so – many bodies will wish they were you (Suck it, losers!).

  14. What is left out is that the European and American progressive movement was cheering the National Socialists on and supporting them financially all throughout their rise in stature as they rose to prominence and they were cheering them on as they consolidated their power. It was only with the launch of Operation Barbarossa that they soured on Hitler and the National Socialists.

    Progressivism is a death cult, it has always been a death cult and it will never be anything but a death cult that is totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. Progressivism was a full throated cheer-leading team for each and every one of the most prolific engines of innocent human suffering, misery and death that came to prominence during the last century and for them to deny such is not only ludicrous, it is an untenable case to try and make.

    What progressivism stands for is well documented in their own contemporary literature that they published and distributed. Look it up.

  15. I watch TC vidoes every day. What these people are doing, in my judgement, is coming on to talk at, not discuss with, Tucker, hoping they can outshout, out-hissy fit him into winning the skirmish. He baits them, toys with them, all the while reeling them in, then WHACK with the club! Case closed. Watched the dim witted Democratic Rep from California try to out talk Tucker on the Russian theoretical hacking. He would never back down, so Tucker just cut him off. Could not offer one shred of proof, but twisted in the wind to never admit he is full of shit. One thing sinking the democratic party is their refusal to grow up and face facts. The media have manufactured lies hourly so they cannot tell the truth from fairy land stories. The Democrats are the architects of their own destruction. Good Riddance!

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