Catching Up With a Missing Reader – IOTW Report

Catching Up With a Missing Reader

I hadn’t seen this reader in awhile, and emails were going unanswered. I assumed the worst. Today I received a message from a friend of the reader.

I hesitated to open the email…

Here’s an update.

(What was supposed to be a 2 minute call turned into a half hour. The following is edited.)


52 Comments on Catching Up With a Missing Reader

  1. Yes MJA. You’re mic is in the red! Ow! 😀

    Mr. Pinko is talking really quietly from across an ocean.

    I’m so glad GFY is doing well. I never knew she was in trouble. God bless her.

  2. That was a nice call to listen in on. You guys have strange accents though (and MJA is soooo loud).

    Sorry to hear about the misfortune, but very glad to hear that GFY is still with us and seems to be on the upside of recovery. I’m sure I’m no the only one that missed her and she’ll have a lot of prayers sent up for her including mine. Best wishes from an ol’ redneck.

  3. So glad to hear from you, GFY! (I’m one of the people who wondered where you were). 5 days of trying to get to your phone!! I can’t even imagine that. What a nightmare. But you sound great now.

    Praying for a swift and full recovery for you.

  4. That’s not a Yonkers’ accent. That’s a Long Island/southern CT accent. Yonkers’ accents are twangy. “Hoi! How awe ya?” But I imagine a lotta Long Islanders have moved up to Yonkers over the years.

  5. Omg I was just thinking about GFY (that could have a double meaning I suppose) a couple of days ago. I always enjoyed your method of conveying work related frustrations with a tinge of humor. Be honest, you’re in a hurry to break out of the hospital so you can attend the TY party at the Plaza Hotel Hil is throwing for her bigly donors.
    Prayers and well wishes for a speedy and complete recovery GFY!!! I hope you at least were able to cast your vote in this exciting election.

    MJA – Has the voice of a vivacious 23 year old. Volume is a sign of a dynamo (keep tellin yourself that) 😉

    Bfh and Mr Pinko – where are you two from? I detect a strong southern drawl.

  6. What a relief! I just prayed for your healing Greetings From Yonkers. And how amazingly touching it is for BigFurHat, Mr. Pinko, and MJA to get on the phone and call her and share it with us.

    Very cool. And I just saw GFY. A double entendre! LOL!

  7. Yonkers you are missed. What a horrible thing to have happened to you. Praying for a swift and complete recovery. We miss you and need you back.

    MJA wasn’t loud. She’s exuberant and sounds exactly like I thought she would sound.
    BFH you are turly one of the good guys.
    As for available Mr.Pinko I bid a watermelon.

    Is there any way any of us can send Yonkers a food care package like something from Harry and David?

  8. Holy crap GFY! I was wondering too, and I’m glad to know you’re OK. Well, not exactly OK, but on the mend. I know there were only a couple of circumstances that could have stopped you from hanging around the board while Trump shellacked the hildebeest. Good that it was the rehab monkeys and not the other.

    Wishing you a speediest recovery. I’ll put you on the prayer list too.

  9. Sorry for being late,
    Was savoring IoTWreport like a daily advent calander.
    Wonderful listen, fellow patriots all.
    Thanks for the shared time.
    My best wishes added with all the ones above.

    Cabinet picks are all A-OK.

  10. Thanks Fur. I figured she had something bad happen and it sounds like she is on the mend. God bless you dear. Your voice sounds like what I imagined. If I was close, I make a great lasagna GYF and sneak some in for you.

    Now OTOH, MJA’s voice reminds me of Mary Jane. You guys are a hoot.

  11. New Yorkers are tough — it takes a lot to keep them down. Glad to hear that Greetings from Yonkers is recuperating – That phone call is one of the best medicines that she could get !!

  12. Lol, “Southern accents.” That’s pretty funny to read, because my Deep South born ears can’t hear a lick. 😃
    Glad to hear all are doing well in IOTW land.

  13. OH WOW! Great to hear all your voices. I’ve heard BFH before in an interview with Pamela Geller. You asked her about the shampoo she uses. ha!

    Get well soon GFY!! Enjoy the Christmas season. 🙂

  14. What a pleasant surprise to hear from “Yonk” this morning, and listen to the chatter. You went off the radar around election time and I made a few enquiries to no avail. Now I know “the rest of the story.” Great to have you back. God speed your recovery. Slainte!

  15. It’s nice to know that BFH keeps an eye out for the regulars and when they go dark he’ll start to inquire why. Glad to see Yonkers is still around and am looking forward to her full recovery and seeing her back in the battle. Didn’t know that MJA was a “Mike-Breather” though. She’ll need to work on it before her run at the big chair 🙂

  16. Big Fur, thank you for sharing this with all of us! So happy to know GFY is on the mend after such a crazy ordeal. Please keep us informed on her progress and I’ll keep her in my prayers.

  17. @ Greating from Yonkers

    So sorry to hear about your trials. You are in my prayers. God bless you and yours.

    @ St. Hat, Thank you for doing this audio. You truly do care.

    @ MJA, Yep, you were a bit loud. 🙂

    @ Mr. Pinko, you were a bit too quiet. 🙂

  18. Glad to hear Greetings from Yonkers is recuperating. Get well soon.
    BFH, MJA and Mr. Pinko, the three musketeers of iOTWR, made the interview with GFY lots of fun.

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