A Christmas Song You’ve Never Heard – IOTW Report

A Christmas Song You’ve Never Heard


What do you get when a Chinese doctoral candidate in Toronto designs a computer to think like us and sets it to compose Christmas songs?


(note: The butt whipping robot video is a waste of time.)



10 Comments on A Christmas Song You’ve Never Heard

  1. Boy:
    Hey Santa Claus you cunt Where’s me fucking bike?
    I’ve unwrapped all this other junk, and there’s nothing that I like.
    I wrote you a fucking letter, and I come to see you twice.
    Ya worn out geriatric fart, you forgot me fucking bike.

    If I wanted a pair of bloody socks, I’d have bloody asked.
    And this snowflake shit and sippy cups, you can shove right up your ass!
    You’ve stuffed me bloody order up.
    It’s enough to make you spew.
    And I’m not the only one who’s cross,
    Me sisters pissed off too!

    Hey Santa Claus you cunt! Where’s me fucking doll?
    You promised me you’d bring me one, you remember who I am?
    Cause I’m the little girl, who you made sit right on your hand.
    I’ll give you fucking ho ho ho,
    You forgot me fucking doll.

    Hey mums and dads you smell his breath, and check his bloodshot eyes.
    And don’t listen to him boys and girls, ’cause he tells fucking lies.
    He’s just a piss tank and a pervert, and he’s not even very bright.
    Cause the old fucking wanker,
    Forgot me fucking bike.

    …remember 3.5 disk versions of this song… Time{Space}.


  2. Sung to Jingle Bells.
    Sliding through the snow
    In a V8 powered sleigh
    O’er the ice we go
    Sliding all the way
    RPM’s run high
    Through the ditch we fly
    Now we’re freekin’ stuck
    AAA’s a must
    Oh, slip and slide, slip and slide
    Black ice all the way
    This was not in the brochure
    And it’s cold as hell today.
    Oh my, stuck in snow
    This really blows
    Where is Santa’s sleigh?
    If I find out where he’s at
    I’m going to kick his a$$ today…HEY!

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