Pushing Buttons At The Grocery – IOTW Report

Pushing Buttons At The Grocery


Was it the 20 minutes to check out at a Kroger’s, because of all the coupons, that caused the gentleman to attack the lady in front of him or something else?


29 Comments on Pushing Buttons At The Grocery

  1. Cashier should have got help from manager to check out the man so the incident would not have escalated. I would have been mad too. Coupons are a pain in the neck and should be outlawed. I was behind someone who did that and it is ridiculous.

  2. Coupons if presented properly are no problem. If she sat there for 20 minutes and fumbled through her special binder to find ones that matched her purchase, I have a problem. Do that shit as you pull stuff from the shelf or have them in hand before you take it off the shelf!

    One move that will make me lose my shit though? When it’s busy and I pick a lane where the person in front of me has maybe 20 items. Then as the person in front of them is paying up, they proceed to section the 20 items off into 4-5 separate purchases.

    It’s not uncommon for me to walk out of a store at the checkout line and leave behind a cart/conveyor belt full of stuff.

  3. I firmly believe there should be a coupons and checks line. Have you ever noticed how people with a check book only ever dig it out after everything is rung up and then they START writing the darn thing.

  4. She’s obviously rayciss attacking a black man like that..

    Actually, I feel sorry for the checker where I shop. Yes, it made my wait much longer last week when I had a sale shopper in front of me. My choice of picking that line was because there was “only” one cart in it and not completely full. Boy, was I wrong.

    Advert after advert came out with the shopper pointing to a product and the checker taking it and entering the info into the register. They did not speak a common language but that was all they needed to do – point. The checker was very patient but she was made to back track on several items and re-do them. I was scanning other lines to see if there was an empty one around after the third time, but no. I watched it happen another 8 times or so.

    At my turn, with my 5 items, I told the checker I was sorry I didn’t have any adverts or coupons so my visit with her may be very short. She smiled.

  5. “It’s not uncommon for me to walk out of a store at the checkout line and leave behind a cart/conveyor belt full of stuff. “

    More than once, brother. More than once. You don’t care about your other customers then I don’t care about what I need to do to leave. Manager gets to see what they lost in sales that day.

    If they’re smart enough to realize it.

  6. “A coupon is the way a store tells you that they are charging too damn much in the first place. ”

    Until you realize it isn’t the store giving you the discount but the product manufacturers themselves.

  7. I used to do coupons. There is a right way and a wrong way. You ALWAYS tell people who get in line behind you that you have a lot of them, some will leave, some don’t care a bit. Then, you have the coupons and your items in matching order. You let your cashier know that you have the coupons, and if you have BOGOs. You ask if they want the BOGOs coupons first, or if they want all coupons first or at the end of the transaction.

    There are ways to make it go smoothly if you commit to learning the ropes. We used to save about $200 to $300 per month with coupons. YES, I am using them.

  8. This could open up into a whole other thread about obliviates lack of awareness of how annoying they
    Are. It happens in grocery stores. It happened to me at the Verizon wireless store. School buses in rural areas in the afternoon where the kids linger and dawdle on their way out of the bus.

    Am I a curmudgeon? I’m working on it.

  9. Just another day in the wart on the ass of society known as Memphis. Last week, a guy in a SUV hit an 11 year old girl on her way to school. He stopped, put her in his car, raped her, then let her go. Bizarre criminal behavior is a sport in Memphis.

  10. Out of consideration for all those willing to allow the store to make a profit by paying full price, stores should have dedicated lanes for coupon customers. Most coupon customers are desperate, dishonest, have agendas, and are very skilled at working over cashiers. Cashiers have to defend their employers, one effin coupon at a time. 20 minutes before he confronted her? Admirable.

  11. Just like they have a 10-items-or-less line, they should have a ten-coupons-or-more line. If you get in that line you know you may be waiting a long time. There, problem solved.

  12. Did anybody actually watch the videoS? What set him off was Miss Tuff Muff striking him with that can. She ain’t so tuff now is she. That kind of behavior out of a woman pisses me off too. If your going to get in my face and get physical it’s all on you sweat heart.

  13. @PHenry, I am completely in your zone. The lack of awareness by those were share our air with astounds me every day! In convenience stores, I move my stuff to the right after I pay so the next person can start their transaction, I hold doors well aware that there are people behind me, I bag my groceries so the checker can just scan it through and push it down to me, I allow a car in a long line at a T intersection through, I zip merge, I stay to the right if I’m driving slower, I smile and tell the gas pumper, the checkout person, the waiter thank you, have a great day.

  14. Shopping sucks sometimes. I usually only shop when I’m not in a hurry. All the crazy, time consuming instances seem to happen when I don’t have the time to spare. The coupon hag would be the sort of person I would encounter if I only had a few minutes to spare.

  15. I did the short line and was rewarded with someone that had a bunch of stuff that was paying with an EBT card, but every time they ran the card it was rejected so he would removed one item run it again, after about 15 times he walked with two items. Fun times.

  16. Shameless plug for Fred Meyers, get online and load the coupons to your FM card, no scissors, ripping, hassle, or organization needed. Pass the “we know your entire shopping history” card across the scanner and it’s all automatic. And you get points for discounts at their gas stations as well, doubleplusgood.

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