Black Heart Dalia: True Crime Fans Will Be Shocked By The Outcome of This Case – IOTW Report

Black Heart Dalia: True Crime Fans Will Be Shocked By The Outcome of This Case

This is a classic true crime case that appeared on various true crime shows, like Dateline. It is the case of Dalia Dippolito.

Dalia is the little hottie from Florida that sat in a car with a “hit man” (an undercover cop) and told the guy she was “5000% sure” she wanted her husband dead. There is a 20 minute video of her in the car.

Prior to this video, Dalia gave the undercover cop $1200 for a handgun and provided pictures of her husband.

In the video the undercover officer gives her every opportunity to recant, call it off, back out, etc.

She tells him, “his death will make me very happy.”

The cops didn’t bust her right then and there. The police hatched a bit of a sting. They faked a crime scene and called her at her alibi location and told her that there was a problem.

This video, where she shows up at the “murder scene” shows her acting ability–>

Part 3 of their sting was to interrogate her as if the murder occurred. And then at a certain point during the interview her “dead” husband  would appear in the hallway.

Here’s that part–>

This all happened in 2009.

It’s 2016. Her original conviction was overturned on appeal because her lawyers screwed up the jury selection process.

During that trial she claimed she thought she was acting so that her husband and the man she was cheating on her husband with could land a reality TV show –

during court hearings, she said she was only acting, thinking she, now ex-husband Michael Dippolito and Mohammed Shihadeh were all involved in an ill-planned video project aimed at landing their own reality TV show.

Retried, her jury just ended in a mistrial. What was the compelling argument her lawyers made this time that have swayed 3 jury members to vote not guilty?

The cops were orchestrating this entire crime so that they would impress the producers of COPS who were in the area looking for telegenic police officers.

No, not kidding.

They say they are going to take her to trial for a third time.

See Here

24 Comments on Black Heart Dalia: True Crime Fans Will Be Shocked By The Outcome of This Case

  1. What is it about Florida? Anyone running from their past on the east coast flees to Florida. Thus the state is full of less than honorable people. Not everyone, BFH excluded, and a few others that I know down there.
    But if you’re looking for freaks and psychopaths Florida is the place.

    That and Nevada.

  2. Well I followed this and the first trial and you’d have to have watched the daily proceedings to understand/believe it. But there was enough jaw dropping entertainment to stay glued.

    Too lengthy for details but let me give you the A to Z of it.
    Her hubby met her thru an escort agency, they were married 3 months later, she stole over 250k from him that was restitution $$$ he was paying back (oh yep he was newly out of prison for securities fraud), she began an affair w/an old beau Mohammed (who was absolutely stoned on witness stand and only referred to her as Delilah), and all of this transpired in less than a year of marriage.

    Oh, almost forgot….She’s been on house arrest awaiting this last trial and has a new baby that no one seemed to know about ’til her hotshot CA atty blurted it out during closing to plead jurors to allow her to return home to her “son”.
    Someone close to the case told me Dateline is supposed to have special on this weekend.

  3. @PHenry – The main thing about Florida is that all the police records, arrests, booking, all that crap, is public record so anybody can browse through it. I am confident that all kinds of stupid and nasty stuff happen all over, but the stupid and nasty people are at least savvy enough to keep it under wraps.

  4. The police depts. look at responsible citizens as a cash cow to be milked. They now have red light and speeding cameras everywhere and prey upon otherwise law abiding citizens to send them hundreds of thousands of dollars for not coming to a full stop on a right/red, or being 10 miles over the speed limit. Posing absolutely no threat to public safety. and crooked corrupt city councils and municipalities let them get away with this underhanded highway robbery. The big crimes? Bah, they are too complicated and what $$ is in that. A dead body here, a body there — the big $$ is in mining a compliant citizenry who go a smidgen over the speed limit or take a right on red when there is no oncoming traffic withing 200′. CRIMINALS. They wonder why they struggle w their public image.

  5. Buck Turgidson,
    You are correct. Modern policing is about Revenue collection.
    When they get involved in this Dick Tracy/Sherlock Holmes shit, they either fuck it all up or the juries are too stupid to follow the bouncing ball.

    They need to stick to donuts and shaking down meth heads for blowjobs.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I spent all damn afternoon trying to get away from this shit on the TV (I live in PB Co.). Even my damn BAR had it on. I’ll be happy if I never hear the name DIPpolito again.

    HOT you say? May I recommend a good optometrist?

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