Progressive College Student Confronts Anti-Global Warming Alarmist With Her Idiocy – IOTW Report

Progressive College Student Confronts Anti-Global Warming Alarmist With Her Idiocy

It doesn’t go so well for this chitferbrains.

You’ll wanna watch this –

24 Comments on Progressive College Student Confronts Anti-Global Warming Alarmist With Her Idiocy

  1. Her personal dictionary defines Facts: a list of leftist progressive talking points.

    I like Richard Feynman’s definition of what science is:
    Science is the organized skepticism in the reliability of expert opinion.

    You don’t need to be a scientist yourself to apply that standard to anything a so-called expert says is true.

  2. Circa Madonna garb, VinylNet shellaced over permed hair, wooden hair bow – have these two been in extended hibernation since the 80’s?

    Ms Thang is well rehearsed in publicly challenging the “anti” and I’m sure she’s disappointed it’s a small audience. Her sidekick started out well with the snarky seal clap in support of her comrade, but after realizing they were dodging truth darts, she nervously looked away as if, “I don’t know who this chick is, I’m just sitting beside her b’cause they’re were no empty seats”.

  3. I lasted until she mentioned something about how birth control was liberating. A minute or so.

    It’s just a crazy notion but I’ll guess the “environmental studies” courses shebeen studying for “years” are one sided.

  4. Oh my…the big hair bow, the 80s hair, the goofy glasses and the googly eyes all add up to this: last picked for the kickball team during her elementary school years, and still not over it.

  5. The last time I heard a noise like that student was making, it was coming from something behind bars at the zoo, that was jumping around and trying to fling poo at the spectators.

  6. This climate warrior has never once in her life washed her clothes by hand as a matter of her daily life.

    by washing the house hold clothes by hand she would learn about real life birth control, as in you don’t have children you don’t want to wash the clothes for.

    “birth control is more liberating than a washing machine?”
    only in a world full of washing machines.

    is this just another slut who cannot get laid because her clothes stink?

  7. Here’s yer example of a dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, Diversity-loving, bobble-headed, bullshit sandwich-eating Progressive Liberal Lemming in lock-step with Stupid, that democRats cater to, paid for by the hard-working over taxed-payer! I can say that with confidence because I’m sure this arrogant, clueless, little twat has yet to pay a bill with money she ever worked hard for!

  8. I saw this about a month ago. I’m not saying it’s old news, but there are a few creators on youtube that have SJW’s and feminists running scared. It’s quite comical, the commentary, memes, etc.

    What’s most alarming about these guys on youtube. They’re half a world away, yet they are more in tune to our politics than most of the people who actually live in the US!

    If you enjoy watching LGBTQ, SJW, feminists and liberals in general make fools out of themselves with superb PJW like commentary. Subscribe to these cunts! No, none of them are SFW.

    1.) Rekt Feminist Videos (clip starts at the train wreck in this thread)

    2.) Bearing (SJWs recently got his account pulled because the old bear character was from a long defunct kids show in Oz. Copyright infringement. He’s back up now with a more detailed bear avatar)

    3.) MGTOW 101 – I just recently tuned into this fella. MGTOW = Men Going Their Own Way. He details all kinds of problems dealing with the modern era, post feminism woman.

  9. I’m pretty sure she’s channeling the 90s MTV cartoon character Daria.

    It was mildly funny. As a snarky cartoon.

    And yes, there’s a Starbucks apron awaiting her in her very near future.

  10. It’s like, it’s like 98% of readers like OMG! Like, like … should like look to the like, right side of like this page where there is a like little button that says like ‘donate’ because, like, this is some funny shit! Like! Just do it!!!

  11. The speaker responded with dialectic; the creature was arguing with rhetoric. When the speaker responded to her, all the creature heard was ‘Charlie Brown’s teacher;’ the response was unintelligible to her. One must respond to rhetoric with rhetoric. The speaker could have answered the creature in Chinese for all her answer was understood by the creature.

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