Venezuelans are so poor… – IOTW Report

14 Comments on Venezuelans are so poor…

  1. Vs are so poor that they marry for the rice.

    Sad but they elected Chavez. And after he put the wrecking ball to a resource rich country for years and then died, they elected Maduro, who promised to double down on the stupid. Now they’re eating pigeons and feral cats. You’d think the first time would have given most a cluebat.

    Kinda like here in ’12. I made life changing plans in ’11(like selling my house and using the proceeds to start a new business) assuming that the horrible record of Obama/Jarrett would preclude their reelection.

    Well we all know what happens when you assume.


    This go around, I wasn’t nearly as optimistic and hunkered down. Thank the Lord we had a brave man step up and articulate our hopes.

  2. Why aren’t all the celebrity supporters of Venezuelan socialist leaders being interviewed about the current state of Venezuela?

    They are getting a free pass when their collective noses should be rubbed in it until the see the light.

    A little de-legitimizing of them is in order.

    Seriously, Why isn’t Breitbart, or anyone for that matter, doing this?

  3. In Latin America, it is not uncommon for parents to give up a child to the extended family, the church, an NGO, or the state, when they feel unable or unwilling to care for it. It is not always a permanent situation. Parents will often ask for their child be returned when their situation improves.

    It is human nature to follow the leader that gives you stuff for “free”. We are certainly not immune to it here in the US. The fruits of populism are despotism and hardship, but it is a lesson quickly forgotten as soon as the next freebie is offered.

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