PRINCIPLES!! Top Anti-Trump Elector Chris Suprun Caught Stealing Valor – IOTW Report

PRINCIPLES!! Top Anti-Trump Elector Chris Suprun Caught Stealing Valor

Daily Caller-

The Texas elector who cited his experience as a 9/11 first responder for his refusal to vote for President-elect Donald Trump appears to have fabricated the entire thing, according to an investigation by local news outlet WFAA.


Chris Suprun – World’s Worst Person – 12/16/16

Chris Suprun said he responded with the Manassas Park, Va., fire department after the third plane hit the Pentagon during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. But WFAA’s investigation reveals that the department wasn’t among those responding to the attacks. What’s more, Suprun didn’t even join the fire department until October 2001 — a month after after the attacks.

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35 Comments on PRINCIPLES!! Top Anti-Trump Elector Chris Suprun Caught Stealing Valor

  1. Let’s not be too hard on this “gentleman”….he identifies himself as a 9-11 responder, so if it’s good enough for Bruce Jenner to identify himself as a woman, it’s okay for this pant load as well. After all, it’s not what you are, but what you think you are!

  2. What an EMBARASSMENT to our Great State of Texas. I emailed Ted Cruz and asked about this elector. You don’t DO things like that down HERE. BTW- no response from Ted’s office.

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