Time for a Complete Halt on All Immigration – IOTW Report

Time for a Complete Halt on All Immigration


AmericanThinker: Immigration today, immigration tomorrow, immigration forever? In recent times there has been much controversy over President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign-trail suggestion that we temporarily halt immigration from Muslim nations (which has been modified). The Left claims such a notion is “discriminatory,” un-American and even, most ridiculously, unconstitutional. Yet there’s a simple way to avoid this debate altogether:

Institute a moratorium on all immigration.

13 Comments on Time for a Complete Halt on All Immigration

  1. Couldn’t agree more.

    Got a problem because it looks like Trump is singling out moslims? Fine, just put the ka-boosh on all of it.

    No more H1-Bs, no more talk of “immigration reform” and absolutely no more talk of 100s of 1,000s legally coming through the door in the beautiful wall(which I heard again last night from the Mobile rally)

    Face the fact that millions of illegals aren’t going back. Choke that down. But stop the anchor baby crap, stop the inflow of more illegals, stop the welfare to them and get them out of the wagon. I can live with that.

  2. What the left never admits is that immigration has always been in waves with plenty of near zero immigration periods lasting several decades to allow assimilation.

    We are past due for a 40-50 year assimilation period. Complete with legislation to strip citizenship and banish those who won’t.

  3. Let’s face it, whut’s really going on here is the Marxist Left filling up their voter farm ghettos with their precious, dumbed-down cattle who get everything paid for by the hard-working over taxed-payer in fly-over country so they can eventually rule the entire country from a few Leftist controlled counties. Once they get the Electoral College out of the picture we’re on our way to Venezuela baybee!

  4. Never happen.
    With our low birth rate and our decidedly socialist polity, immigration is absolutely necessary.
    We cannot maintain Socialist Security, MediCare, ObolaCare, our massive unfunded retirement systems, or our workforce, for that matter, without an influx of rat-people. Europe and the UK discovered this uncomfortable fact decades ago and destroyed their “culture” trying to preserve it with ragheads – didn’t work for them – and it won’t work for us. Ragheads and other rat-people have their own agendas which have nothing to do with saving white people.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The Left, as expected, is completely wrong. Again.
    It’s Common Sense, Constitutional, and very American to protect the American citizen, American culture, economy, & spirit.

  6. Yup, stop it all. Complete moratorium on all of it. Diversity lottery, refugee program, H1B, 2X secret reverse probation immmigration, everything. Deport all illegals. Damn we are so friggin overcrowded and we don’t have the infrastructure (or water) to support everyone in the world who wants to move here, and we have 20% unemployment. An outdated concept that is time to be put out of its misery.

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