Mrs. Hopey Changey – IOTW Report

Mrs. Hopey Changey


After eight years of her husband’s failed policies at home and abroad, Michelle Obama went on Oprah this week to complain that Americans have lost hope.

Michelle Obama says Americans lost “hope” after the election of Donald Trump.

Tonight Judge Jeanine Pirro RIPPED Michelle Obama over her classless attacks on the incoming president.

Judge Jeanine: Since when does hope rise and fall with you and Barack in the White House?… But I get it. For you hope is gone. You and your family and friends won’t be able to fly to another 46 countries with security and hair and makeup in tow. Michelle you may not realize it but Americans rejected you and everything you stand for. They know what hope is. Hope is when people, 30,000 at a time stand in line, in the cold, with their children, hoping to get a glimpse of the man that they think can change the course of their lives from the downward spiral that you and Mr. Hope and Change have put them on.

Watch the whole thing here—-

ht/ jerry manderin

31 Comments on Mrs. Hopey Changey

  1. Yes for her barack and the girls hope is gone…hope of extravagant vacations, hope of hanging out with their favorite rappers and actors, hope of being waited on every moment by taxpayer paid staff. yes finally! hope is gone for the Obamas. but hey, change IS coming!

  2. What a whiny, useless, hateful, unaccomplished turd this thing is. 8 years in the White House, and what positive accomplishment does obozo and that thing he calls a wife have to their name? obozocare? Benghazi? Arab Spring? $20T debt? Mooch and obozo are two of the biggest phony loser grifter hypocrite whiny pathetic pieces of trash ever to come down the pike. The national nightmare is over.

  3. Look Mitch. Throughout this, the longest eight years of my life, I have suspended my own judgement in polite company about your antics.
    I have danced with aneurysms, and apoplexy to refrain from seemingly racist comments over your racist comments.
    But lady, you are one uppity negro. You have no accomplishments to recommend you, or mitigate the negativity you spew.
    You let a whole garden die because of the sequester, because the hired help would no longer tend it for you until photo op time.
    I cannot wait to put your husband’s miserable term in office into the rear view mirror.
    You sully our great country with your shabby self.

  4. Unfortunately, the Obamas are going to stay around to whine and bitch about the republicans and Trump. The main stream press will be happy to broadcast every snort she makes.

  5. Like I ever thought Michael would continue to love his country once the twig finished her term.

    Hope was lost when those two goofs walked into the White House with their ugly kids and mooching mother in law.

    Hope was returned when Hellery’s cankles curled up under the house.

  6. Oliver Cromwell in 1653 to sniveling man-child in the White House:
    “It is high time to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue and defiled by your practice of every vice … In the name of God, go!”
    I do believe he would include the angry black woman as well.

  7. We have lost so much hope that the DOW is setting records since DJT won?

    We will look at these last 8 years as the “Lost Years” where so much wealth was pissed away, or not created at all, because of the economic chaos created by your husband’s lawless regime and the corruption of the political establishment.

    Screw you and your husband. I hope he ends up in prison with the rest of the regime criminals.

  8. The Obama’s are setting the stage for Michelle’s future run for the Presidency. She will run for Senate in 2 years then run for President in 4 years under some campaign slogan such as ‘Restore Hope’. When Michelle was campaigning for Hillary she was actually campaigning for her future run for political office.

  9. It will be nice to have a first lady that is beautiful for a change.
    It’s good for our global image. A woman with grace, beauty, class and good taste.
    It sends a powerful message.
    No more angry trash stomping around using her fake authority to bully others.

  10. All it will take is for someone to grab a DNA sample from this tranny and have it checked out. Will prove its male, not female. HE/SHE/IT may have undergone surgery, but the basic DNA won’t ever change. Could be a water glass from a diner, something its mouth has touched. Maybe the loss of hope and change was that he didn’t get to finish becoming the opposite sex on our cash.

  11. List of people that have lost hope – illegal aliens, terrorists, pedophiles, non essential gubmint employees, low life artists that want the gubmint bank rolling their abominations, genital mutilators, lawyer politicians, CAIR, SEIU leeches, welfare cheats, voting fraudsters, anyone on Anthony Weiner’s computer, snowflakes, safe spacers, Chinese debt holders, Soros goons, global warming shakedown scammers, UN deadbeats, college professors, crackhead rappers, etc.

  12. Now that there is real hope, Chicago may no longer be the murder capital of the United States. Without the Obama regimes support, Rahm’s days as Chicago mayor are numbered. The Chicago police may finally have the desire to do their job, properly.

  13. It must be hard being so bitter, and an ingrate to boot. What are people supposed to hope for, another 8 years of these leeches taking vacation after vacation on the taxpayer dime? All the while bitching about how unfair life is in America? We have a lot to look forward to now that Michelle and dipshit are on their way out. I think the anger stems from the fact that they are mostly irrelevant now; the lack of gratitude is anyone’s guess.

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