“Journalist” Kurt Eichenwald Claims a Tweet Gave Him a Seizure – IOTW Report

“Journalist” Kurt Eichenwald Claims a Tweet Gave Him a Seizure

We reported a few days ago about senior Newsweek writer, Kurt Eichenwald, having a bizarre meltdown on Tucker Carlson’s show.

Carlson simply asked him if he felt he was a “journalist” or a partisan hack. Eichenwald went a little goofy, filibustering with no end in sight to any of his answers while continually claiming that Carlson “wasn’t fooling anyone.”

Twitter gave him no quarter, and he took to the site tweeting out more bizarre, and since deleted, spittle-flecked angry messages.

Now he is suing a tweeter that wrote, “you deserve a seizure for your posts,” and put it in a flashing gif.

Eichenwald, who has epilepsy, claims he had a seizure. Now he has the police involved and says he’s going to find the identity of the tweeter and have him arrested for assault.

As Legal Insurrection put it –

“Your Honor – He hit me right between the eyes with a tweet.”

What a buffoon.

Oh, in one of the tweets he referred to all of the “deplorables.”

I guess we finally have our answer. Yes, he is a partisan hack. No, he is not a non-partisan journalist.

Also, do you see any resemblance between the his Twitter picture and what he actually looks like?



20 Comments on “Journalist” Kurt Eichenwald Claims a Tweet Gave Him a Seizure

  1. I watched the clip from Tucker Carlson. Man does this dude need professional help.But I guess this is the mindset of a lot of people on the left. Most of these kooks are several bricks short of a load.

  2. Tucker Carlson is a race horse the minute his show starts – he’s out the gate. I love his show and these interviews with libtards. I noticed this week that his libtard guests don’t want to answer any questions and have just started to babble. I will continue to watch. Tucker Carlson is magnificent!

  3. Easy pickin’s, easy pickin’s. Just keep tweeting this twit that same thing, day after day. hehehehehehe. He’ll either harden up and get over it, or he’ll collapse into a puddle of Melted Snowflake. Can’t wait.

  4. “Tweet”?? Is that the street name for that synthetic marijuana that was mentioned in a later post? Or maybe it’s some other psychosis inducing drug that this moron uses? He looked like he was on something anyway, just like the rest of his kind! :^0

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