Stocking Stuffer For the Prog You Insist On Keeping In Your Life – IOTW Report

Stocking Stuffer For the Prog You Insist On Keeping In Your Life

HT/ C. Steven Tucker



13 Comments on Stocking Stuffer For the Prog You Insist On Keeping In Your Life

  1. I’d like to order some with a Scoville rating of about 900,000… like a Scorpion Butch, a Carolina Raper, or the infamous Bhutt Jolokia… just so I can see a Progressive butt-drag himself over 100 yards of democRat Astroturf!

  2. I have exempted them all from my new happy world. Talk of sports and house-y type stuff became insufferable. Theyd send condescending verbal jabs at me about conservativism when it was inappropriate to answer without disrupting a nice dinner. Later in the evening I’d open a topic and they’d respond that all I wanted to do was to talk politics.

    Friends of many years. Weren’t friends at all.

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