Leftist Activist Says She Hasn’t Had an Abortion, But Wishes She Had – IOTW Report

Leftist Activist Says She Hasn’t Had an Abortion, But Wishes She Had

Who puts “get an abortion” on their bucket list? Lena Dunham, that’s who.

I’m sure she speaks for many of the deranged harpies on the left, the left that was just soundly rebuffed by America.

Good job, you daffy loon. When you keep talking, we’ll keep winning.



41 Comments on Leftist Activist Says She Hasn’t Had an Abortion, But Wishes She Had

  1. Maybe she could get an abortion by merely following Max Goldman’s advice (Grumpy Old Men):
    “Why don’t you do the world a favor and pull your lip over your head and swallow.”

  2. How about this headline from Salon:

    “TV’s 10 best abortion moments of 2016”
    sub headline:

    “It was a bad year for real abortion rights, but a good year for fictional ones”

    see here: http://www.salon.com/2016/12/18/tvs-10-best-abortion-moments-of-2016/

    I was unable to comment on that story the day it came out because Fakebook put me in a 24 hour “timeout” for an evil comment I made about abortion on a moron.org thread. Some dude (I think) said that women should be able to abort any parasite that is feeding of a human host, and thought that obamacare should pay for it. I replied to the scumbag with this “Parasite? You are a sick human”. The snowflake turned me in to the FB police and the police decided I was in conflict with their community standards.

    We have long passed the point of wanting abortion to “be rare, be safe, and be legal”. Now that the left thinks obamacare will pay for it, getting an abortion gets you some sort of badge of honor and ups your progressive street cred. The more the merrier! How long until we have FB live streaming abortions? If you say anything, you get banned!

    liberalism is a mental disorder.

  3. momad……i live in west virginia, and i am tossing a gauntlet at you………your choice of weapon, i choose dawn, jan 1st, 2117……let’s get this over with, you racist…..we may have our uglies, but we don’t have lena dunham level ugly here…..

  4. Sad as it may be, I think an abortion by Dunham would be the best of any world for any of her future possible children. Go directly to God. Avoid the goddamn life under the Beast. What a monster.

  5. Forget the posture, doltish expression, and size of her body, (which isn’t bad for a 70 year old mother of 14 children), WHAT THE HELL KIND OF FASHION IS THAT????? And doesn’t that sweater just top it off?

  6. Given that abortion is undeniably murder (a woman is not pregnant with a unicorn) than her comment shows how dark her soul is and how she embraces evil.

    That’s the real tragedy. Her eternal damnation is very close.

  7. “Abortion (for certain groups) should be mandatory, and retro-active to age 16.”
    (Union (Local 5) Demonrat I used to know)

    I think he needs to adjust the age limit … to at least 30.

    izlamo delenda est …

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