Agreed- We Need To Reform the Electoral College – IOTW Report

Agreed- We Need To Reform the Electoral College

First we have some dude from Texas that pads his resume with stolen valor, but even worse, up in New York, they have some old dude on their EC that was disbarred as an attorney and impeached! WTF? – Menderman

Who knew Bill Clinton was an elector?


“You know, I’ve watched her work for two years. I watched her battle through that bogus email deal, be vindicated at the end when Secretary Powell came out. She fought through that. She fought through everything. And she prevailed against it all but at the end we had the Russians and the FBI deal and she couldn’t prevail against them,” he said. “She did everything else and still won by 2.8 million votes.”

See More HERE

The old coot says he knows it was Putin that defeated Hillary because he was settling an old score he had with Bill from many years ago.

Check this guy for dementia.

21 Comments on Agreed- We Need To Reform the Electoral College

  1. Electoral College reform will take place about the time we start hanging people like this. I’ll predict right now that the weak sister in Texas is going to get his ass beat.

  2. Never forget that H. Ross Perot foisted this lying, cheating bastard on our country. Perhaps Clinton’s wife lost the election when Trump invited a few of the women her husband assaulted to the second debate. Maybe she couldn’t prevail against the stench of having this bastard back at the scene of several of his misdeeds.

  3. yeah we had two defectors in the Texas EC. We sent a signed petition to our worthless Gov Abbott, who did NADA. We know where Suprun lives, but the other is hiding the name thus far. We need this EC reformed and NOW. No reason for a state to not remove faithless cheaters on their signed contracts to vote as the state voted. That worked well today in the states with enough cahones to have that in place. If Abbott doesn’t get behind this reform for Texas we will vote him out of office next time. We don’t abide cheats and weak politicians!

  4. For the entire 21st century I have referred to Bill Clinton as the draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, rapist, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, influence pedaling sleaze-bag and thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse by bringing the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper (when people were still getting papers), and I see no need to stop! The Clintons continue to demonstrate what filthy liars they are, now even dirtier for having attempted to undermine, subvert and overthrow a legal election process! Oddly enough they have no problem with the process… so long as they win, but make no mistake about it, they revel in the wet-dream of power of being able to control the United States with only a handful of highly populated counties they have under the thumb of dependency… and that’s why we have an Electoral College.

  5. OK Rat Fink, stop beating around the bush and tell us what you really think. 🙂
    The EC is fine, some new laws regarding faithless, etc. would be nice, but it works the way it is. Our Founders were all geniuses and their work should never be messed with over trivial things.

  6. This spin about the popular vote is infuriating. They were ALREADY spinning the “popular vote doesn’t matter, just the EC” schtick months before the election because they thought that she would get the EC but not the popular.

    Now, she got the popular vote (via only California’s MASSIVE amount of illegal voters) and they are spinning it as “But but muh poplar vote” and that just is so freaking annoying.

    Just wait for the spin about the nuclear option Dingy Harry Reid put in to screw the republicans when that gets used against the democrats. Which it will. And they will spin it as dirty tricks and underhanded measures.

  7. @TheRatFInk, you neglect to mention a key fact about the Clintons: they are both LAWYERS. Amoral lawyers who are atheist hypocrites.

    In a country whose politics are absolutely infested with lawyers, we got an FBI that couldn’t conceive of a rationale to prosecute Hillary, even though elementary school graduates nationwide could tell you she absolutely broke the law.

    The Founding Fathers were nearly all graduates of Divinity Schools, whose curriculum contained ETHICS. Today’s lawyers are equivalent to Mob Consiglieri, little more.

  8. We still haven’t seen the missing e-mail correspondence.
    That’s what is bogus.
    What quid pro quo deals are in the missing e-mails?
    Those e-mails are supposed to be U.S. property.
    They were deleted on her PC and on her attorney’s in a fully exposed blatant effort to ensure they are never seen.

  9. @Rule of law
    They’re not lawyers anymore, they had to give up their Law licenses or they would’ve been ripped away from them.
    Pretty sure lawyers don’t give up their law licenses unless they’re about to get disbarred. They’ve been riding dirty (in more than a few ways), so long they no longer know there’s any other way.

  10. It is easy Bill!

    Just get the smallest populated 37 states to agree to amend the constitution so the major Democrat controlled urban centers packed with illegals and mooches, can elect the president. Not!

    No go back to your energizer.

  11. I am always amazed that the left doesn’t realize the current Electoral College system is the ONLY reason they ever get a president elected. If you look at any county level red/blue map for the last twenty years the only blue areas are major cities and isolated outposts of lunacy.

    NYC completely disenfranchises NY State. Chicago does the same to Illinois. Coastal California, Oregon, and Washington control the states.

    Applying the Electoral ballots proportionally based on established congressional voting districts would kill any Democrat’s chance of ever hitting 270.

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