AUDIO: Hillary bitterly blames Comey, Putin for loss – IOTW Report

AUDIO: Hillary bitterly blames Comey, Putin for loss

Audio has emerged from Hillary Clinton’s private party with campaign contributors, and her tone is just as bitter as her accusations.

This morning, MSNBC aired audio recordings of Hillary’s comments to donors in New York City last week.


23 Comments on AUDIO: Hillary bitterly blames Comey, Putin for loss

  1. Well, bless her heart!

    This is just the beginning, Mrs. Clinton! The devil’s played you a trick and you fell for it! The slow, almost languid, uninterrupted descent into Hell.

    You see, God gave you many gifts – which you promptly shat upon – and rejected Him to embrace The Other. The riches have been great, haven’t they? The promise, alluring? Slaves, stooges, sycophants, lackeys, hangers-on, and other assorted parasites always at your beck and call? You imagined it would go on forever, didn’t you? Is that what Satan promised?

    You poor, greedy, befuddled, arrogant, narcissistic, hateful pervert.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. When is she and her clan going to go away? The jackhole billionaires that threw their $$$ away should accept the fact that they pushed a HORRIBLY flawed candidate. The blame squarely falls at their feet.

  3. MSM loves to prattle on and on and on. They act as if THEY had no effect on the election.

    The ‘autopsy’ (don’t you just love the words and phrases they grab and use to boredom, betraying their inability to report independently or objectively?) on the failed HRC campaign cannot be performed by the corpse or any part of it! The stench is overwhelming. WALK AWAY.

  4. I’m thankful I don’t have to hear this screeching bitch for the next 4 years. I am forever grateful to the American people who did the right thing and voted The Donald into office. I am proud to call him President Trump. Thank you everyone!

  5. This “womans” desperate attempt to become the 45th President and failing has caused her to become totally unhinged. See your psychiatrist.
    To all the rest of us: Merry Christmas and a Happy, prosperous New Year.

  6. Fools and their money….

    I want to see this treasonous coup plotter in prison for the rest of her miserable life.

    And Podesta and the rest of her criminal cartel with her.

    A necessary step to MAGA.

  7. Hillary was the token woman politician leader of the Democratic party. hey look at how progressive and forward thinking we are! she could have been a contender had she and Bill been decent American patriots instead of lying,cheating,greedy,perverts. America grew far too sick of it all over time and by the time she got her shot nobody but the blind minions of hyper-liberal zombie land believed in her. the snowflakes melting in the heat of reality. poor old witch believes her own lies and can’t get a grip on reality. crazy really.

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