‘Refugee’ resettlement accelerates in Obama’s final months – IOTW Report

‘Refugee’ resettlement accelerates in Obama’s final months



Through the first 11 weeks of fiscal year 2017, the United States welcomed 23,428 individuals as “refugees,” according to the Refugee Processing Center. At this rate, the U.S. will resettle roughly 110,580 this fiscal year, which would exceed President Obama’s target of 110,000.

Contrast that with last year, when the U.S. welcomed only 13,786 “refugees” through the first 11 weeks of FY 2016. The country would end up welcoming 84,995 by fiscal year’s end.

Leo Hohmann, a veteran journalist and WND news editor, sees this as part of a “concerted effort” by the Obama administration to admit as many as possible before Donald Trump becomes president.

“Get them here before Trump takes office on Jan. 20, because you don’t know exactly what Trump will do with regard to this controversial program,” is how Hohmann summarized the current administration’s attitude. “The left is in panic mode because this program has run on autopilot for 35 years, and now for the first time we have a president who has expressed an interest in taking a hard, critical look at how it is run and the effects it’s had on our cities, states and country.”

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15 Comments on ‘Refugee’ resettlement accelerates in Obama’s final months

  1. “To begin with, §212(f) of [the] Immigration and Nationality Act gives the president unilateral authority at will to shut down any form of immigration under any circumstance…Thus, Trump can easily shut down refugee resettlement through executive action on day one of his administration…”

    Man, does he ever have a full plate of executive orders to sign his first day.

  2. Meet them at the airport-as they get off the plane-say,
    welcome to America but sorry we are all filled up as you lead them to another plane ready to depart back to where they came from.

  3. Yet the Media and all Leftists are yammering that Trump is the demagogue we must fear and fight. Most Americans are oblivious to this invasion thanks to the current government/media conspiracy.

  4. I recently saw a roving reporter (can’t remember which media) who went to this place. He couldn’t find a single person who could speak English or who wanted to speak English. Speaking of the ones who have been here for years, they are not assimilating. I can’t stand going to Costco on a Saturday! It’s like being at an international bazaar. Those from the ME bundled up in their layers of cloth, a bunch of children (none of them speaking English) in tow. Same for the Asians here. None of them speak English and they seemed damn proud of it. I find myself resenting it a lot. Many years ago I had to lease my house out and leave the Seattle area for a while. The lessees were a couple from Holland and they damaged an area of my hardwoods and there was some push back from the woman over whether they would pay for the restoration. In a fit of tantrum, she started (pointedly) speaking in Dutch to her husband. I shut her right down and scolded her for being rude. That’s what having these non-assimilating people in our “living room” feels like.

  5. America was and should stay exceptional. Too many disagree, or take it for granted.
    Anyone who disagrees with American exceptionalism should be forced out, whether they’re native-born or not, to live wherever else they choose.
    Most would soon be begging to come back, having a better appreciation for America.
    If I’m wrong, everybody wins.

    Barri and Mooch should be the very first to go.

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