When is it Christmas? – IOTW Report

When is it Christmas?


Is it Christmas…
if all around the lights are lit and blinking?

if grandfather is secretly hobbying in his workshop?

if people form crowds at Christmas markets?

if the pantry and the fridge are full of food and goodies to eat?

if the smell of nuts, baked Christmas goods, and wine punch are in the air?

if you are thinking about what presents you can give?

if the family decides to visit the grandparents over the holidays?

if children asleep waiting for Santa Claus to come down the chimney?

if everyone helps decorate the Christmas tree?

if the children play in the new-fallen snow?

if children see a reindeer with a red nose?

if the family watches Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol on television?

if the children write a letter to Santa Claus?

if a little girl plays the role of Maria in the local church Christmas play and
her brother is also in the play and forgets his lines?

if the church choir sings Christmas carols outside your house?

if you learn a poem to recite on Christmas Eve while the family is gathered
in front of the Christmas tree?

if peaceful and tolerant Muslims say they are insulted when churches,
businesses, and towns display manger scenes?

if churches, businesses, and towns don’t display manger scenes because
they don’t want peaceful and tolerant Muslims to be insulted?

Yes, it is Christmas.

But Christmas is also …
when we rally around the cry: MAKE CHRISTMAS GREAT AGAIN!

when you get homesick even when you are at home.

when you see Baby Jesus in the manger.

when you see His being in every aspect of Nature.

when Jesus Christ lights up your world to overcome the darkness that threatens

when the Light of the World remains with you until Christmas next year.

when you understand that only Jesus Christ is the way to God the Father in
heavenly paradise.

when you assist others in experiencing the Joy that is Christ.

when you give thanks for His love and mercy.

when you realize Jesus Christ is a glorious reality.

when you pay witness to His presence and make music to honor Him.

when you understand God’s magnificent gift.

Then it is Christmas!

 Frederick William Dame

17 Comments on When is it Christmas?

  1. I would love Christmas a whole lot more if everybody followed one rule. You can only give a gift if you made it. I don’t care if it is baked, carved out of wood or knitted, but if you didn’t make it yourself, don’t give it.

  2. Our little family in the islands will be hanging
    out on the beach, in the pool, and feeding like pigs
    on good food.
    As long as we are together, it’s not the gifts that
    count, it’s the time together.

  3. Christmas is almost just another day for me. I have family members who are assholes 364 days out of the year and they think for some reason they can stop being an asshole for nearly one whole day out of the year on Christmas. The 364 cancels out the 1 every time.

    It’s not that I don’t like Christmas, but like Menderman said ^^, the reason for Christmas seems to have been lost.

    I think about Christ every day. There’s not one day that passes without me thinking about what God’s only begotten Son has done for me and my family. And that’s what I think Christmas should be about.

    Merry Christmas. It’s still a great holiday and I would fight to keep it.

  4. Christmas with my family and in-laws is very unpleasant and stressful. Why put yourself through that? Instead, my spouse and I do something special together. The meaning of Christmas is God’s gift of His Son and His Salvation. What better present? We cherish that year round.
    Merry Christmas, everyone.

  5. In support of Menderman, I told my little girl, “don’t buy something for Daddy, make something”. I know it will be a picture or something cut out of construction paper, and it will be special!

    Thank you Jesus for paying the price for me!

  6. The joy of Christmas is that our Savior came into the world. Everything else is just a distraction unless we recognize what we are celebrating. May the Great God over all things, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit bless you all this Christmas and always.

  7. I’m really surprised at how many commenters wrote a negative message about Christmas. How sad.

    It really is about MUCH more than us and our puny insignificant lives. Please try to find the joy in your heart and the beauty in this world. It’s there, I promise.

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