7′ 7″ Romanian 16 Year-Old Trying To Become American Basketball Player – IOTW Report

7′ 7″ Romanian 16 Year-Old Trying To Become American Basketball Player

This is a little painful to watch.

He looks and sounds a decade older than 16. He’s built like a praying mantis and runs like he’s stepping on Legos.


But American groomers say they can bang him into shape.

They took him to a hospital and they have him on an exercise and training regimen, all to, eventually, have him play the grueling schedule of professional basketball.

I don’t see it. He looks frail and discombobulated. Yes, he dunks the ball by dropping it through the hoop, but he’s going to be tested physically, and right now it looks like if he fell to the boards they’d pick him up in sections. And he has a disturbing neck.

Good luck kid.

I’m rooting for you.

ht/ The Big Owe

25 Comments on 7′ 7″ Romanian 16 Year-Old Trying To Become American Basketball Player

  1. I remember Buck Williams (6’8″) of the U of MD beating the crap out of 7’4″ Ralph Sampson of the U of VA every time they played against each other.

    This poor guy will have the same fate …. sadly, probably a short life-span too

  2. Very nice interview. I’ve never heard of Spire Institute, but this kid really fell into the right hands. If anyone can turn him into anything but a decent lower division college basketball player, these guys will. Best of luck to him.

  3. He reminds me of Chuck Nevitt. He is a great guy. His attitude was ‘give me one year in the NBA, and I am set for life’. He did a lot more than 1 year, nothing world famous or anything, but he got what he wanted. I haven’t seen him in about 15 years or so, but the last time I did, he was a very happy man. It’s kinda funny watching him drink a beer at a bar. They looked like airplane liquor bottles in his hands and went down fast. As I recall he was dating a 5’5″ blonde NCSU cheerleader at the time…I think he married her. Anyway, looks can be deceiving. Give this kid a year or two for his brain to catch up to his body, and he may fool you.

  4. For as young and as tall as he is, this kid has some coordination and court sense. His shooting seems good, he can hit from more than 2 feet away, and his passing seems good.

    But he is about 5 years and 70 pounds of muscle away from the NBA. The NBA is a league where 6’8″ guys can play point guard, and players over 7′ are common. Most of the game is actually played below the rim, and I can think of several Division 1 college players who could eat his lunch – forget about the NBA players.

    But if he works at it, there is probably a place for him in the NBA – Manute Bol did o.k.

  5. I didn’t see him dribble the ball once. His job seems to be run, if you want to call it that, to one end of the court. Catch the ball. Shoot. Maybe that will be enough but I don’t think so. He needs a shitload of strength training so he doesn’t cripple himself by the time he is 20.

  6. With the right gruesome makeup and padded costuming, his face and frame would lend itself to a straight-up adaption of the novel FRANKENSTEIN. He’s only five inches short for the role but no one would notice. Would have to dub his voice, though.

  7. Sister took in 16 yo exchange student from Germany. 7’6″ had offers from everywhere to play Bball. He liked to smoke cigs, lay around, etc. Decided it was better to go home and work in factory where he could get 16 weeks off a year and continue smoking. What a waste….

  8. It doesn’t matter how tall you are from sole of foot to top of the head. What matters is how long you are from sole to shoulder. This kid has the longest neck I’ve ever seen on any two legged creature, with the possible exception of an ostrich. I’m guessing his shoulders are at the same height as someone 7’3″ or 7’4″

    Moreover, once people grow to over 7’2″, their structural soundness drops off drastically. They dont stand up to the stresses of an 82 game season. Think Yao Ming. He was literally the result of a state sponsored breeding program where China’s best female basketball player was commanded to marry into a family that produced very tall men. And yet he only lasted the equivalent of 6 full seasons

    This kid isn’t even in the same galaxy cluster as Yao Ming. He’s one of the most structurally unsound tall people I’ve ever seen. There’s no chance he could survive an NBA season, or even an NCAA Division 1 season

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