Tom Arnold Claims He Has Tape of Trump Calling Blacks the N Word – IOTW Report

Tom Arnold Claims He Has Tape of Trump Calling Blacks the N Word


Tom Arnold seems to be rethinking his pledge to keep the racist Donald Trump tape from “The Apprentice” under wraps.

What changed his mind? According to the “True Lies” star, his home received a voicemail from the president-elect’s team threatening a defamation lawsuit over his claims in an interview that he has seen the rumored tape of outtakes from “The Apprentice” that features Trump using racist and derogatory language.

“Wife told me there’s house line VM from Trump Camp about defamation suit so it’s on,” Arnold tweeted late Tuesday night. “Open Apprentice vaults 4 discovery! Miss Universe too!!”

Wife told me there’s house line VM from Trump Camp about defamation suit so it’s on! Open Apprentice vaults 4 discovery! Miss Universe too!!

Just an hour earlier, Arnold had still been battling with fans critical of his decision to keep the tape under wraps to keep his friends who worked on the show safe.

42 Comments on Tom Arnold Claims He Has Tape of Trump Calling Blacks the N Word

  1. “…Arnold explained that the tape had been put together by employees of the reality series as a humorous video Christmas card that was sent out to numerous recipients…”

    Can’t say that I have ever known any employees to record their boss making inflammatory and offensive comments as a “humorous” Christmas card?

    This doesn’t pass the sniff test.

  2. Just another proggie liar. If he had such a tape, he’d have sent it to the media to keep Trump from getting elected. So now he feels free to lie to try and undermine Trump’s reputation. Donald Trump should start suing these B*sturds (no, I mean’t to spell it that way).

  3. Well, Old Tom is trying to get back into the good graces of the Hollywood leftists as his “career” hasn’t been going anywhere. The last bit of acting he did was with Snoop Dog (that noted thespian, the one banned for life from Heathrow airport) on a Canadian show called “The Trailer Park Boys”. It’s actually pretty funny but never got any kind of following outside pay tv in Canada. That’s what he’s reduced to. I feel sorry for him in a way as whether he has a tape or not this is what he’s been reduced to.

  4. Tom Arnold needs to be strapped to a chair Clockwork Orange style, and forced to watch “Blazing Saddles” until he gets it.

    Way before it’s time, but things were better then. We could all laugh at ourselves.

  5. I can turn on halftime at the Super Bowl and hear some thug sucking a microphone with pants around his ankles using the N word over and over. How is that acceptable and Trump using it horrible. That is blatant Racism and double standards and I frankly don’t care what he said….Mooch and Barry are horrible anti-white Racists and no one complains?

  6. I have a CD with Jay Z using the n (igger) word. If he doesn’t send me a zillion dollars I will release the CD to the press.

    Who the heck cares what he said? Let’s see what he does.

  7. Rosanne Barr dumped him because he was an insane, lying, crying alcoholic drug fiend.
    What desperate bitch married him?
    Oh, and if there were hundreds of copies, they would have been released like butterflies at a gay wedding a year ago.
    Go back to rehab, dough face.

  8. I never could stand that bastard. There is something very creepy about that guy – like serial homosexual rapist Satan worshiper creepy.

    I never watched one of his movies and never will.

  9. Bongopoofter December 21, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    From the guy that actually married whats her name with THE most obnoxious voice ever.

    Yeah, but she voted for Trump and she dumped Arnold.

  10. Eeeewwwwwwwww
    RB. He did RB. (Yes i cant even imagine)
    Shit, there ain’t enough alcohol, marijuana, or injectables or any other drug on this planet to make me even consider that SKANK,SLEEZE,PIECE OF SHIT,WORTHLESS FAT FUCKING WHORE.
    FUCK, SHE GIVES LESBIANS A BAD NAME, AND I LOVE MY LESBIAN GIRLFRIEND. EWWWWWWWEE. Just the thought of that makes me throw up in my mouth.

    Shit, I’m gonna go to Gruene Hall and drink lots of beer to make that thought go away.


  11. Yeah?
    Are the niggers upset?
    Or the spicks?
    What about the chinks? Or the micks? The wops? The krauts? The slants? The zipperheads? The ragheads? The sand-niggers? the camel-jockeys? The fukkin Arapa-hos? Did Lizzy Warren bitch? What about them white-hispanics, and them white-blacks? How bout them Slobs from Lower Slobovia? Or those fat-fuks from New Jersye?

    Shti or git offen the pot, Tom.

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