Anis Still Loose – IOTW Report

Anis Still Loose

No, I’m not making light of this massacre. I’m calling jihadists anuses. Loose anuses – if you get what I’m saying.

And screw Tunisia. What’s with this place? They are fast becoming the crotch of ISIS.

Anis Amri is from Tunisia.

Boubaker el Hakim, a Tunisian, was the leader of The Charlie Hebdo attack.

And Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, the Nice Mothertrucker was from Tunisia.

I think the North African desert needs to be visited with some carpet bombs, you know, bomb their carpets.




11 Comments on Anis Still Loose

  1. It damn sure is time for some repercussions, and to hell with feeling bad about collateral damage. The West needs to fight this war like our survival depends on it, because it does. Reducing a few mosques in Tunisia to smoldering rubble would be a good start.

  2. Three mosques
    Four milk factories
    Six training camps or schools (same thing)
    That would be. as President Martin Sheen would say a “disproportionate response.” If it doesn’t work, and they hit again, do it again, but double it. Sis mosques, eight milk factories, and twelve schools. And on and on. They will quickly get the message. So what if Amnesty International, the New York Times and their fellow snowflakes are pissed of. Phuckem!

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