Lily & the Snowman – IOTW Report

Lily & the Snowman

Petrus sent this in and it’s a bit of the ol’ “don’t watch this I hated it” technique again.

So I watched it.

Petrus said he “didn’t like the message.”

I’d like him to expand on that because I actually love the message, but I kind of hate the video. It was pretty depressing. The happy ending does not erase the power of how sad one particular scene is.

I now have PTSD.

Thanks Petrus.


16 Comments on Lily & the Snowman

  1. That scene where she comes back after many years to see the snowman frosted over and sad in the freezer. Reminds me of those ASPCA commercials where you see dogs tied up outside in the snow with a big chain. Tears my heart out. Cannot watch them. I’m with Sir Fur.

  2. Sentimental to say, but it reminds us how we lose our wonder for the world and it often takes a child to restore it.

    C.S. Lewis dedicated _The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe_ to Lucy Barfield, writing that he knew she’d outgrow fairy tales, but that one day she’ll be old enough for them again.

  3. “Make time for what you love?” That message?
    This child created a sentient being and boxed it up for her own pleasure like the Gimp in Pulp Fiction. Demon child! I’m surprised it wasn’t dressed all in leather at the end with a ball in it’s mouth. I can’t separate the written message from the actual emotional and visual message delivered. Did she not love the Snowman? Will her child suffer a similar fate? At least the normal kids from ‘Frosty’ tried to get him to the North Pole. And where are her parents? I’ll bet the bulk of readers with negative comments own a pet, a fury four-legged warm blooded one.

  4. I agree with you Petrus. The only thing I like is the statement “Make Time For What You Love.”

    I don’t think the animation matches the statement, at all.

    I hated that she was putting her sentient creature, as you said, in that fucking box.
    I’m STILL traumatized!!!

  5. Interesting, I see a west coast vs east coast influence on the interpretation of this. In the west cowboys to this day get up at sun up and work to sun down and their first responsibility when the day is done is their animals. Which includes pets. Weird little video.

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