Repeal of HB2 is dead as N.C. Senate, House adjourn without deal – IOTW Report

Repeal of HB2 is dead as N.C. Senate, House adjourn without deal


North Carolina’s special session at the General Assembly on repealing HB2 has ended in deadlock.

In a shocking move, lawmakers were unable to come to an agreement on repealing the controversial so-called “bathroom law,” and adjourned the special session soon after a vote on repeal failed in the Senate.

HB2 requires people to use the restroom according to their biological sex listed on their birth certificate in government buildings, schools, and universities. The law also excludes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from anti-discrimination protections and blocks municipalities from adopting their own anti-discrimination and living wage rules.

The special session was announced earlier this week by Governor-elect Roy Cooper who said that legislators would meet later this week to pass a full repeal of HB2 in what appeared to be a compromise between Democrats and Republicans.

However, Republicans went into Wednesday’s special session deeply divided, spending the bulk of the day meeting behind closed doors.

The North Carolina Senate failed to pass on the first reading of their bill that would have repealed HB2. HB2’s fate is now in limbo now that the special session is over.

The vote was taken after Senators agreed to split Senate Bill 4 into two pieces: one, a straight up or down vote on HB2, and then a separate vote on a so-called “cooling off period.”


ht/ menderman

12 Comments on Repeal of HB2 is dead as N.C. Senate, House adjourn without deal

  1. How messed up things are in America when a law to keep men out of women’s restrooms or locker rooms, vice versa, is called controversial. Why not call it a common sense law? Which is what it was in the past.

  2. I thought bigger government having the whimsy to overthrow smaller government law, with their own bigger, better law — and superior fire power — was the progressive definition of progress?

  3. Corona, Trump publicly called out NC and McCrory on GMA during the primaries. Trump let Bruce Jenner piss in the the girls bathroom in Trump Tower in Manhattan with TMZ in tow. Trump cost my governor his job and handed it to a democrat. I like Trump, but Trump is pro gay rights. Good or bad, that is who he is.

  4. So, president oblowme, basketball teams and other liberal causes won’t go to North Carolina because they don’t want perverts in womens rest rooms. They think this is the new civil rights movement? I’d say the “progressives” more likely love a bowel movement.

  5. why would any sane person want to repeal that law to start with?

    call out the perverts for what they are and stop apologizing, you didn’t make them perverts.

    did we not learn anything from the trump campaign?
    the sjw’s only have power over your actions and words if you let them, quit sniveling and push back hard.

    you’re a man who wants to dress like a women, well then you’re perverted. end of story and no you can’t use the ladies room.

    it’s not that hard “men”.

  6. Oh, @bill…

    that stupidity leads to claims that if you think you see Donald Trump, President elect, alone in the parking lot of the Walmart, where you predicted he’d be, that you shouldn’t be allowed to shoot “him”.

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