Funny, I Find the Term “Marist Poll” To Be Pretty Annoying – IOTW Report

Funny, I Find the Term “Marist Poll” To Be Pretty Annoying

Marist took a poll (yes, the same people who had Hillary winning by triple digits) to find out what was the most annoying word or phrase of 2016.

People didn’t get to give their answer, they had to choose from a list Marist offered. Typical push poll.

Newser- A poll has found that the most annoying word or phrase used in casual conversation in America is “XXXXXXXX.” The Marist College poll released Wednesday indicates the word irritates 38% of Americans. The AP reports the pollsters offered up five options for most annoying word or phrase: “XXXXXXXX,” ”No offense, but,” ”Ya know, right,” ”I can’t even,” and “huge.” “No offense, but” is second with 20%. In third place is, “You know, right,” which is irksome to 14% of people, tied with “I can’t even.” ”Huge” grates on the nerves of 8%.


The Xed out word is “Whatever.”

The word itself is fine. It’s the people who use it, and why they are using it, that are annoying.

I think there are plenty of other annoying words and phrases –

Gender Fluid.

Climate Disruption.

White Male Privilege.

Check Your Privilege.

Please add your own in the comments.

34 Comments on Funny, I Find the Term “Marist Poll” To Be Pretty Annoying

  1. I prefer to show the real words or conditions these “PC” phrases are used to distract from:
    Gender Fluid: Mentally ill
    Climate Disruption: weather
    White Male Privilege: Contributor to human liberating, phenomenally productive western civilization
    Check Your Privilege: Productive hardworker.

  2. The word whatever has been used to extremes far longer than 2016. In fact I’m pretty certain I can trace it all the way back to the movie Wayne’s World, when it took off in popular slang.

  3. have a conversation
    national dialogue

    Those who use those phrases almost always want the exact opposite: they want to do all the talking, frequently in the form of giving orders, and they want those they’re talking only to listen and obey.

  4. Hate speech
    Dog whistle
    Any one of the new genders
    The words “uh,” “um,” and “eh” but only the way I’ve been hearing them for the last eight years.

  5. “Marist Poll” always sounded like some obscure medieval Jesuit heresy involving some poor monks burned at the stake.

    That, or some cattle terminology for better managing herd yield.

  6. “racist”. To the left it’s the conversational equivalent of a mike drop. However, any of them using it would fall short if they are asked to explain why it is wrong to notice racial differences in behavior.

    “offensive”. So you’re offended? Draw a big circle. That’s the universe. Now put a dot in the center. Draw a big arrow to the dot in the center and label it “Not Me”.

  7. ‘Fairness’ because it’s only fair if it’s in THEIR direction.
    Black lives matter – some certainly do, but they mean exclusively, and only the ones THEY choose.
    Undocumented immigrant – AKA illegal invader.

    The one that annoys me the most is DemocratIC Party. Ever hear anyone call the other party the Republicanism Party? It’s pushed that way to make it seem they have something to do with democracy but it grates on my ears.

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