WAPO – Yoga pants are an assault on manners and a nihilistic threat – IOTW Report

WAPO – Yoga pants are an assault on manners and a nihilistic threat

This woman is deadly serious. She thinks yoga pants are a problem. (How insulated and great is your life if you’re worrying about yoga pants in the current world climate?)

And what are yoga pants threatening? EVERYTHING!


Part of the reason I love the way New Yorkers dress is that I see it as a metaphor for everything else I loved about the city — the work ethic, the energy, the specific kind of community that comes from collective ambition. Maybe it’s precisely because I love those elements of city life that I am wary of the seductive promise of suburban comfort: Why walk when I can drive? Why go shopping when I can order online? Why go out at all when I can lie on my giant couch and watch my giant TV? Why even get dressed today?

Without the external energy of the city urging me on every day, will I find my own internal reasons to keep working harder than I strictly have to? Or will I soften, get lazy? Will I spend the rest of my life going about my day in comfort, coming home in the evening to nurse a bottle of wine until it’s time to go to bed on the quiet second story of my house, only to wake up and do it all again, wearing the same black yoga pants as the day before?


Did I just read that suburbanites are lazy, low energy, lack a work ethic and have no ambition?

I think, reading between the lines, I just did.

And it’s all because of YOGA PANTS!!!



30 Comments on WAPO – Yoga pants are an assault on manners and a nihilistic threat

  1. Yoga pants should be viewed as an exclamation point on the female form.

    If you nave a trim figure, then bingo!!! exclamation point on your trimness. If you are fat, well then bingo!!! exclamation point on your … whatever.

    It’s not the fault of the pants.
    Beauty may be in the mind of the beholder, but yoga is all in the ass.

  2. Methinks the writer spent last evening alone, holed up in her 250 sq ft apartment, uncorked a few bottles of wine, realized how lonely and pathetic her life is and penned this article.
    Hopefully when she sobers up she will have learned alcohol + publishing = embarrassment.

  3. WaPo is visibly deteriorating into a semi-literate “Personal Journal Writing 101” rag, written by and for neurotic middle aged women.
    Pieces like this are a symptom of the paper’s decline.

  4. I seriously think that they are not appropriate attire. Not even for yoga. Sweats! They are the equivalent of the pants around the knees that young stupid men sport. Basically if you let your daughters wear them they might as well be naked.

  5. Sweats are baggy and do not follow, emphasize, or define form. Tights and pantyhose are meant to be worn under other garments. They are acceptable if properly worn, under something else. Yoga pants are indeed the equivalent of pantyhose and as such should not be the only lower body garment worn.

  6. What Patronis said. These…garments…can do only three things: appeal to the vanity of the wearer, inspire envy in other women, and incite lust in men. That is exactly what wearing them in public is intended to do.

  7. I’ve often said that I should be Buddhist instead of Christian, since I fully believe I am made in ‘the image of God’.

    The 2nd to the last thing I would want to do is struggle all of my lumpy body into something that would strangle me. The last thing I’d want to do is see an image of my substantial hind end in yoga pants……makes me shiver to imagine.

    But then, to be frank, I don’t have to imagine, I see it every time go go shopping. Even worse: words written across the butt. What the hell makes someone want to have their BUTT act as a billboard?

  8. I am definitely into yoga pants on ladies like the one in this photo. R U kidding me, bring on the yoga pants. I checked out the photo of the WaPo writer; no yoga pants for her, please.

  9. In defense of yoga pants, not all women wear them that tight. Just the ones who want to/don’t mind showing off their junk (for better or worse, honestly I don’t really care what other people do, but if you wear something odd/ill-fitting/too little to the imagination/skin-tight, expect a few stares. That goes for men too). I guess I’m wearing them wrong. Then again everybody’s wearing them wrong since hardly anybody uses them for yoga in the first place.
    I’m just a sucker for comfort and hater of buttons and zippers. I know when not to wear them though. I wouldn’t wear them to work, for example. My rule: if you care enough to wear makeup to wherever it is you’re going, yoga pants are probably not going to cut it. Running to the store real quick and who cares what you look like? Sure why not. Going for a brisk walk or jog at the park/beach/whatever? Yeah, that’s probably a good use of them.
    At least I’m not one of those pajama-wearing-in-public teenagers. Sorry kids, you grew out of that 10 years ago. It’s cute if six-year-olds do it with their first slumber party or something, but that’s the line.

    I just remembered something.

    WaPo? The SAME WaPo that ran this happy article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/10/24/the-skin-tight-surprise-300-women-delivered-to-man-who-disparaged-yoga-pants/
    about how some mansplaining doodyhead that dared to have a Y chromosome and express an opinion on the interwebs while being white, got what was coming to him when a ‘parade’ of women in yoga pants (a Good Thing!) showed up at his home to prove how wrong he was for having the Wrong opinion that yoga pants were BAD? (deep breath)

    Like this writer does? 2 months later? In the same publication? GEE. I wonder why.

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