With a phone and a pen Obama shows his allegiance to Islam – IOTW Report

With a phone and a pen Obama shows his allegiance to Islam

As Pamela Geller famously said, “I don’t know if Obama is Muslim or not, but what would he being doing differently if he was?”

The post 9/11 registry system for Muslim men coming here from Muslim countries was ignored by Obama for the past 6 years. Now he has made it official.

We’ll call this the “if you’re a jihadist interested in maiming Americans come right in” executive order.



The Obama administration is officially ending a post-9/11 era registration system for immigrant men from mostly Muslim countries.

The decision to scrap the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System comes amid growing international terror fears and President-elect Donald Trump’s suggestions that he could ban Muslim immigrants from the United States.

Trump said Wednesday, “You know my plans.”

28 Comments on With a phone and a pen Obama shows his allegiance to Islam

  1. Trump is treading lightly now. He is the embodiment of TR’s “speak softly and carry a big stick”

    He could of added to “You know my plans” with “and so do the 60 million voters that elected me”

  2. I’m thinking it’s time for Trump to cut costs and save government money by reducing Secret Service details for ex-president down to just one guy. One preferably new, very inexperienced guy who is already been reprimanded for substance-abuse problem

  3. Oh, and that reduced one man US SS ex-Presidential protection detail is not allowed to travel outside of the 50 United States.

    And he’s limited to 40 hours on duty a week.
    All holidays off. Six weeks normal Fed vacation.

    Bonus points for the one agent being female, LBGTQ,minority, and disabled. Preferably all these.

    That ought to limit the mischief in Obama ‘s “retirement”.

  4. Clicked on CNN link to hear Cuomo play verbal gymnastics w/the tired argument that Trump wants to ban them based on what they look like and who they are (religion) vs what “a few” do, which is “unconstitutional”.

    Ok Chris, using your intentionally misguided analogy, let’s get down to brass tacks:
    Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim. Next faux concern?

  5. Barry’s intentions are obvious. How could this possibly help America at a time when foreign invaders are committing mass murder and rape in every country that takes them in?
    This one act alone should be enough reason to impeach the bastard and lock him up.

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