Intolerant Homosexual Harasses Ivanka Trump On Airplane – IOTW Report

Intolerant Homosexual Harasses Ivanka Trump On Airplane

Nice to see Ivanka traveling in coach.

But maybe she should stick to her dad’s private jet if the public is going to be filled with such hate-filled unhinged lunatics- like Matt Lasner, or is it his “husband” that is the real lunatic? Attorney Dan Goldstein. (It was Goldstein doing the harassing.)

A gay guy claimed he was just “stating his opinion in a calm manner when a flight attendant overheard him” and THREW HIM OFF THE PLANE FOR NO REASON!

His opinion was that her father was “ruining America!”


Too bad one of the the gay husbands (or is one the wife, not sure) tweeted “Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them.”

He’s since deleted his account:

Far-left extremist has deleted his Twitter account. That didn’t take long!

Here’s an old tweet that shows what kind of lunatic this guy is. He called a Reagan/Bush shirt “hate speech.”

If prof harassed Sasha & Melia on a commercial flight, what would happen?

54 Comments on Intolerant Homosexual Harasses Ivanka Trump On Airplane

  1. That will probably teach Ivanka and her kids a lesson about the civility of the left. I think her and her family’s well being will warrant other options in the future. They all need to be more aware and careful.

  2. Politics aside, this is more than enough to put them both on the No Fly List.
    For life.

    Secret Service showed great restraint. Too much restraint.

    Hunter College is very vulnerable to any disruption of Federal funding.

    This is not a POTUS that anyone should underestimate.

    Leftism is a mental illness.


  3. If these snowflowers are all about unicorn farts and Poof the magic dragons, then My Free Speech and excercising thereof will be a fist to his bad dental job. Worst thing to happen to a poufter is mess up his face. They are shallow as sandbars.

  4. A gay guy claimed he was just “stating his opinion in a calm manner when a flight attendant overheard him” and THREW HIM OFF THE PLANE FOR NO REASON!

    And if I were to direct an unwelcome opinion in a calm manner toward this guy It would be considered a hate crime, right?

  5. As pointed out in the Zero Hedge article on this,
    how *queer* that this guy got bumped and put on the next available plane,
    while some pro-Trump guy got a LIFETIME BAN on Delta.

  6. He might want to reflect on his conduct and question whether it will attract those who could make a case for disbarment. At the least, he is too stupid to be my lawyer since he has no apparent concern for harassing a close family member of the president of the U.S.

  7. Where are the MEN?
    Where are folk to whom an affront to a woman can be a shooting matter?
    I see some man harassing a woman, it stops, or he drops.
    There are some changes to society I will not abide, and due to my anvancing years, I bet I can claim Coothood for a defense for caning some miscreant.

  8. Reagan Bush shirt was “disgusting” and “made him ill?” What if someone said that butt reaming another guy was “disgusting” and “made them ill?”
    News outlets are not reporting that these intolerable dickbreaths are gay. Why is that important? I don’t know, why do they keep repeating “WHITE cop, unarmed BLACK man” 24 hours a day when race plays no part in an incident?

  9. “I think these two unhinged imbeciles need a visit from the secret service.”

    Or one way ticket to bengahzi where they can each have butt-loads of husbands for the remainder of their lives.

  10. Gee Wally, isn’t Ivanka doing her part to combat “Climate Change” by flying commercial as opposed to one of Trump’s private Lear Jets. Isn’t the fate of the Earth at stake here?

    So why would two progg assholes try to make Ivanka’s “Carbon Footprint Reduction Initiative” unbearable. Why, it’s almost like they really dont believe any of that horsesh*t, do they?

  11. Wonder what they think now that Barky Obolo is trash talking gays? Talk about butthurt to pass around! I can see them clutching their pearls and peeping out the blinds at their place wondering which redneck will sniper them out of existence? Both of them are frantically putting on their wigs and dresses and pancake makeup to sneak off to Fire Island for a year or three. I hope their feather boa attack on Ivanka was worth the shit they will now have to suffer for the Cankles Gramma.

  12. butt bandits like this are ruining the future for and of our children because their +++rights++ (and their ability to discern wrongs) TRUMP everybody else (card reference don’t ya know!).

    How much further into ridiculous must we go before indeed a man stands up and starts slapping these ninnies into last week.

    I for one am amazed that Ivanka would fly coach – I don’t fly at all anymore (AMTRAK) because of this kind of crap.

  13. I hadn’t seen until now that the loudmouth lawyer is a Federal employee.


    I’d say his governmental future and his legal career are both about to take a severe turn for the worse.

    They both need to be unemployed and unemployable in any foreseeable future decade.
    Let them enjoy the gentle attentions of the previously weaponized IRS, DoJ, DoE, Bar Assn disbarment proceedings etc until their precious self satisfied smirking little butts are bankrupt and foreclosed and penniless.
    Children’s Services needs to place the child with an actual family.

    And yes, you’ve got to be batshit crazy mentally ill to publicly announce on Twitter that you are about to ‘chase” and ‘harass’ the daughter of the POTUS on a public airline flight.
    Back before you got slapped on the lifetime No Fly List.

    Gay Leftists. Darwin. Gene pool.

    With a vengeance.

  14. The saddest part of all is that the nasty fellow was holding his kid as a human shield the entire time he ‘chased after her to harass her’ and the ‘husband’ was tweeting about it like it’s no big deal. That is seriously messed up. Yes, these people were allowed to adopt some poor kid, in this completely unhinged state. Sick.
    I don’t care what team they’re batting for, they’re obviously mentally ill (though the co-occurance rate of the two conditions does give me pause like it never used to) and unfit to be parents if they think this is the normal way to react to the universe around them.

  15. “She had SS agents with her and they boarded her and her family early.”

    There’s reports floating around that he’s not using the SS for security. That he’s using a private security firm and his old guys that have been with him for a long time. If indeed security let them board alone, that’s a problem.

  16. dangit….i read through all these comments, only to find corona made my comment before i could……

    curse it, foiled AGAIN!!!

    except, of course, i would have said “taken” them off the plane, being the grammar nazi that i am…… 🙂

  17. and yes, it would be nice if we could send them all back into the closet where they belong, and any of them who want to come out can spend their days in the asylums where they belong…maybe trump can do this, but i doubt it…..

    we can hope, though……and we can pray….. 🙂

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