Woman Goes Off Grid and Builds a “Hobbit” House – IOTW Report

Woman Goes Off Grid and Builds a “Hobbit” House

She did a good job with everything. She got it done for 18 grand.

I think most guys would give it a go and move in with her for awhile to see if they like it. (She’s pretty damn good looking.)

Interesting concept, a bit scary if you’re claustrophobic.

21 Comments on Woman Goes Off Grid and Builds a “Hobbit” House

  1. I stayed in a cabin in the NC mountains owned by a guy who built himself a hobbit house. He took a huge water tank, cut it in half then placed half of it on the ground, built a wood floor cut out some windows along the side. Then covered the entire thing with earth. It had running water, electricity, a kitchen area and a odd-shaped bathroom/shower. I would have gone insane inside it. The ceiling was about 7′ high at the center, but then tapered down along the sides as the ceiling also was the walls.

  2. Nice ass. The place has a great view. Saw the video where they were building it. Smart woman.
    Building into the mountain keeps the temperature livable in winter and summer. I’d have an escape hatch, though, in case the door jams.

    That’s my kind of girl (out of my league).

  3. There is really to much about this to pick apart. She paid 18K for the land alone. I bet she is north of 150K involved on the rest, as the septic is near 40K alone.She does have a rather nice pair of hobbit’s to bring in investors….

  4. not a bad idea for a rental investment … there should be quite a clientele for aging hippies & Tolkien fans that would love to spend a week, or two, w/ a good brier

  5. Cute. Shapely. Could tap that.

    Ends sentences on an up note like a Valley girl.

    I couldn’t finish watching. I didn’t want the growing urge to strangle her ruin my fantasies, I mean interest in the Hobbit house.

  6. I’m always scouring the internet for alternative house construction ideas and I like the idea of an earth sheltered house. Just not made from wood. That one hopefully is in an arid climate (it appears so) since damp soil backfill will ruin the wood structure. Better to make it from concrete.

    Oh, and the lady here is DAMN fine looking.

  7. First thought of a 60-year old male who no longer has a prostate and needs a pill the size of a horse tranquilizer just to perform .. upon seeing a video of a woman not much older than his daughter building the best replica of a hobbit house in the entire world

    Nice ASS!!

    Never underestimate the male sex drive, ladies

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