Grandma Got Run Over By a Reigndope – IOTW Report

Grandma Got Run Over By a Reigndope

Obama takes guns away from SSI recipients, branding them mental defectives.


On Monday, Barack Obama’s Social Security Administration (SSA) issued the final version of a rule that will doom tens of thousands of law-abiding (and vulnerable) disability insurance and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients to a loss of Second Amendment rights under the guise of re-characterizing them as “mental defectives.” The SSA, for the first time in its history, will be coopted into the federal government’s gun control apparatus, effectively requiring Social Security applicants to weigh their need for benefits against their fundamental rights when applying for assistance based on mental health problems

Barack Obama’s political party and the presidential candidate he personally endorsed and campaigned for suffered perhaps the most dramatic rebuke in the history of American politics with the election of Donald J. Trump. Far from being humbled or chastened, however, Obama is spending the waning days of his presidency releasing duly convicted felons from prison, making low-level appointments, and pushing pet policy projects, all to do something, anything, to leave his stamp after a lackluster tenure.


ht/  Sam S.

8 Comments on Grandma Got Run Over By a Reigndope

  1. The traitor bastard has been planning this for a long time. His way of further injuring our patriot warriors who return from the battlefield with PTSD. And this will only cause many to not seek medical help for fear of losing their right to self-defense —– AFTER RISKING THEIR OWN LIVES TO DEFEND AMERICA !!!

    America has never known such a traitor as B.Hussein 0bama.

  2. Barry, you are everything I thought the first Black President would NOT be; in Spades!
    You are only the figurehead, I know. You got picked by the movement.
    But Little Boots, you don’t have to revel in the role, abandoning your decency.
    Just when we thought we might see the best of you as we saw the last of you, you shit in the punch bowl at your farewell party.
    You are a petty little fuck, that most of the black guys I know would lable a ‘Bitch-ass-Ni@@a’, not worth being around.
    As we can expect no decency from you or your kept boy, I must trust the Universe to deliver to you the comeuppance you so richly deserve.
    May your end be long and painful, and may I be informed in time so I can postpone all amusements to watch reports of your demise on the TV

  3. Lazlo; This was exactly what I expected out of the first black prez, him being a left wing racist.
    But I totally agree with the last part of your comments but too often there is no karma and pricktators live forever.

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