Christmas Cards – IOTW Report

Christmas Cards

Question from illustr8r-

How many Christmas cards people send and receive?

Of the cards they’ve received have any been political?

Just curious.

I’ve gotten 3 cards that bash Trump and praise Hillary! One “friend” that I got into a debate with on Facebook (he started it) sent me a Christmas card cd (he fancies himself as a 3D artist) with a “let’s still be friends even though we don’t agree on politics” message inside and I threw it in the garbage! 5% guilt about doing that but 95% satisfaction!!!


21 Comments on Christmas Cards

  1. I am using up my stash of old Christmas cards. All those that have Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings printed on then, I cross that out (very noticeably) and write in big letters: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    If they don’t get the message to Make Christmas Great Again, then they are just plain dumb !

  2. Best card I got this year: Portrays Santa putting presents under the tree and the little kid sneaking downstairs to watch him. Santa says, “Now that you’ve seen me, Timmy, I’m going to have to kill you.”

  3. I sent 5 cards to immediate family. Received about 8-10 from same family members and some friends. One from my car insurance guy. All religious or winter scenery and all say Merry Christmas.

  4. I am a part-time pastor of a small church – received a card from a now-former member who can’t get over Trump – his card had a hand-drawn safety-pin on the front and a message that said “I’m done with organized religious organizations that vote money over peoples (exact word). I quit and remove my membership from xxxxx xxxxx Fellowship.

    He’s now history but we’ll pray for himand his family.

  5. I can remember when I had to buy multiple boxes of Christmas cards each year. I still give cards in person of course, but hardly anyone I know mails me cards any more, preferring to send their greetings via the Internet, I suppose. That fact plus Death and distance have winnowed down my mailing list of card recipients to exactly 2.

    And so it goes.

  6. I design our Xmas card every year and my list grows- but the reverse happens in my direction and we seem to get less every year. Anxiety kicks in around Halloween to start thinking what I am going to do and I usually wrap it up around Dec.1st.

    I so much wanted to put “Make Christmas Great Again!” as the verse this time ’round but in consideration of who was on my Xmas list I didn’t. I did sneak an American flag in the design and that is enough of a hint for some. 🙂

  7. I have winnowed my list down to 80–when you grow up in the military, are in the military, and marry military you meet a lot of people. I have not received one with any political messages the closest any have come is that they are glad the election is over.

  8. I received a happy holidays card from my older liberal cousin. She put a letter in it to tell what happened with her family this past year. The letter starts, “Happy Holidays to my friends and family”. I pitched the letter, did not read it.

  9. I get a card every year from the Blackfeet Indian School in Browning, Montana. Can’t throw those away as they are signed by all the kids there, so I have a bunch of them. They make their own cards with Indian Christmas designs.

    And I get one from a girlfriend who doesn’t use computers or smart phones. Special, yes.

    So I send one to that special girlfriend every year.

    This year, I also sent a religious Christmas card to the widow of LaVoy Finicum. She is a very nice woman – she called me up about a book order and we talked for a while. Really made my day, no — it made my year.

    So, I get 2 or 3 and send 2 or 3. My cousin always sends me an e-card too. I don’t send e-cards…

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