Carl Paladino responds to “go live in a cave with a gorilla” remark – IOTW Report

Carl Paladino responds to “go live in a cave with a gorilla” remark

“I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.”  – Carl Paladino

I like how everyone is focusing on the “gorilla” remark and totally avoiding the “return to being male” part.

It’s like when someone says “you’re a thief, a wife batterer and a drunk,” and the response is “hey, I’m not a thief.”

Paladino says he makes these “edgy” remarks so the press will pay attention. With the cameras rolling he tells the reporters what he really thinks of Barack and Michelle and his legacy.

ht/ js

23 Comments on Carl Paladino responds to “go live in a cave with a gorilla” remark

  1. I’m proud to say that I once worked with a police officer named Larry Paladino, a stand-up guy- a straight shooter. He must be related to Carl. What a refreshing interview. Bravo Carl, Bravo.
    Tell it like it really is.

  2. For 8 years I implored people not to go where Paladino went.
    It does not do your message any good when discussing their bad policies to even tiptoe near the “gorilla” “Zimbabwe” stuff.

    That’s not why they are loathsome.
    If they were white they’d be loathsome.. like Bill and Hillary.

  3. Paladino has every right to say what he said, and I’m not seeing the racism here. I’m seeing insults.
    The people on youtube are telling Paladino to go eat spaghetti and other things about being greasy and the mafia, etc.
    Same damn ting, no?

  4. Isn’t it nice to know that we have a few left who are not bowing to the cowed and awed spectacle of 0buma (not his real name) and transvestite model partner who are going to leave a legacy of busted America for years to come.

    I say bravo, sir, bravo.

  5. We were called racists when we opposed raising the debt ceiling. We were called racists when we said Obamacare would cause exactly what its caused. We were called racists when we dared to ask that our immigration laws (written by Democrats) be enforced.
    It’s long past time to play nice. “Use the enemies rules against them.”

  6. Whenever accuses me of racism when I criticize Obama, I always come back with “Hey man, it’s the white half of his family that I despise; they’re the ones who raised him to be the narcissistic, pathologically lying POS that he is.”

  7. Someone will eventually come up with *the* response to the rank charge of “racism.” Then we’ll really see the ‘splodey heads. He just accused the black leadership of the same malfeasance and those two media types said nothing about racism. That should tell them something.

    The reality is ANY criticism of obama is dismissed as racism.

  8. Watch O’Keefes vid from the other day
    This Sounds like a Turning Point.
    Some seem scared the media will NOW turn on him?
    Speak Truth.
    “Where Were You When…”

    anyway… Lunch.

  9. These insults are no worse than calling someone a “racist” a “sexist” a “misogynist” a “fascist” a “hater” or any other insult thrown around with abandon by the socialists.
    Non-socialists are supposed to self-censor while the socialists have free rein to do and say any grotesque prevaricating distortion which happens across their consciousness.
    Well, fuck them. Fuck them hard. Fuck them to death.

    izlamo delenda est …

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