Follow Up With Greetings From Yonkers – IOTW Report

Follow Up With Greetings From Yonkers

The follow-up didn’t go as planned (don’t worry, it’s not bad news) but we decided to go ahead and publish it anyway.


The George Michael Tribooty

12 Comments on Follow Up With Greetings From Yonkers

  1. Well. I’m glad that whatever y’all know about GTY and didn’t bother to talk about was evidently good enough you could laugh about stuff.

    That’s good, actually: no bad news! And I laughed (well, grinned mostly) along with you. Thanks (mostly)!

  2. I remember the Sy Sperling sighting. Didn’t we all take turns walking by him to look at his hair?

    Once at a Yankee game, Fur spotted Paul Gleason (Breakfast Club fame) heading up to a refreshment stand and said “Hey! You’re Paul Gleason! How’s about bringing us back some sodas?”

  3. We guys don’t let ANYONE talk. The problem is, we’ve been competing with each other since the 1970s with the goal of cracking each other up. If all four of us are at it it’s REALLY hard for anyone to get a word in. MJA does a pretty damn good job of cracking us up though!

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