As long as we’re clear on the Rules of Engagement I’m fine – IOTW Report

As long as we’re clear on the Rules of Engagement I’m fine

Bernie Sanders supporter boasts on Facebook about refusing to help stranded motorist because she had a Trump bumper sticker.

Bernie Sanders supporter refuses to help motorist because she had Trump bumper sticker

Troy Brown took a picture of a stranded vehicle in the snow and posted it on Facebook with the caption: ‘I was going to help her but she has a #Trump sticker on her car #CallYoPresident’. He also posted a video of himself purportedly driving on by. The post, which has been liked and shared more than 4,000 times, sparked major debate among the hundreds of comments. Many attacked Brown for leaving the woman stranded in the snow based solely on her political stance. Others defended Brown, saying they would have done the same.

34 Comments on As long as we’re clear on the Rules of Engagement I’m fine

  1. Well now, what would happen if all people simply started to assume that any minority person is a Clinton/Obama/Biden/Reid/Schumer/Pelosi Democrat supporter and therefore are worthless progressive chattel and thus do not consider them worthy of any assistance of any kind? Poetic justice perhaps!

  2. The sooner we realize that trying to get the left to see our side of the argument is futile the better off we will be. Least we forget that this is war, and taking prisoners is not an option.

  3. Whenever I see a car with a lefty coexist sticker, obama sticker, I’m with her sticker, or climate change sticker, etc., and that car has a big dent, scratches, broken windows, missing hubcaps, etc., or that car is in a ditch, stuck in a snow bank, unable to start, etc., I say to myself, “That car is that way because of the sticker,” and go about my day. I don’t refuse to help, but can easily justify the situation.

  4. When Bush was elected, and later when the Republicans took control of the House and the Senate, the left was screaming for “bi-partisanship.” Bi-partisanship is nothing more than a call for Republicans to cave to leftist principles.

    People like this fellow serve as reminders that any thought of bi-partisanship needs to take a back seat to returning to the values and policies that made this country great. I, for one, am glad that the left is being so obvious instead of trying to sneak in the back door through subterfuges like bi-partisanship – it makes it easier for the rest of us to stay on track.

  5. The Lefties are also the ones who’ll force via the law another person to serve them, otherwise “racist”, “homophobe”, “xenphobe”, “islamophobe”, “hate-crime”.

  6. In January of 2009 I pulled a Jeep Cherokee, with an Obama sticker on the rear bumper, out of a snow bank. As soon as I had pulled the chain off the Jeep the Biatch drove off without so much as a thanks. Liberalism is a mental disease.

  7. Since I live in an ultra liberal state I knew better than to keep my MAGA sticker on my car after the election. Let’s just say it was kind of like self-preservation and property protection. The crybaby snowflakes here get mean when they don’t get their way. Don’t need their attention directed my way!

  8. My guess is that he probably wouldn’t have helped if the stranded car even if it had a “Black Lives Matter” sticker on it. He doesn’t seem the type. He probably just saw this as an opportunity to see his laughing mug on YouTube.

  9. The biggest step in solving a problem is to name it and confess that you are powerless to change some things. Let’s face it, friends, they’re never going to change. So get yourself to a 12 Step program among sympathetic souls to help you face this reality. To do otherwise is like talking to a cat and expecting him to talk back in a meaningful way. The only thing to understand about them is that they need to be neutralized (no, not killed but made powerless).

  10. It has nothing to do with politics. He didn’t stop to offer help because he has not one cell of common decency in his worthless body.
    The next day, the lady’s car is safely away, but the action of this substandard human will follow him into eternity.

  11. This kind of attitude/thinking has already had deadly consequences. I’m actually really afraid that refusing necessary services to people you don’t politically align with becomes policy. I still want a divorce from these people.

  12. Yeah, sure, this beast had any intention of helping a stranded motorist with or without a Trump bumper sticker. The lady is lucky he didn’t stop or there is a good chance she would have been raped, killed, and cannibalized. Not necessarily in that order.

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