I’m Glad Obama Is Doing Something About Foreign Hacking – Even If His Excuse For Doing So Is Ridiculous – IOTW Report

I’m Glad Obama Is Doing Something About Foreign Hacking – Even If His Excuse For Doing So Is Ridiculous

Obama still maintains that Russia “meddled with our election” and that is what cost Hillary her presidency.

No word on what he thinks of the Hungarian George Soros “meddling” with our elections.

I’m not implying that there isn’t a problem with foreign hacking. There is, and we need to protect our cyberspace. It’s just that when you spring into action your battle cry shouldn’t be based on a myth, all to appease Hillary, and her supporter’s fractured psyche.


The Obama administration is close to announcing a series of measures to punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 presidential election, including economic sanctions and diplomatic censure, according to U.S. officials.

The administration is finalizing the details, which also are expected to include covert action that will probably involve cyber-operations, the officials said. An announcement on the public elements of the response could come as early as this week.

The sanctions portion of the package culminates weeks of debate in the White House on how to revise a 2015 executive order that was meant to give the president authority to respond to cyberattacks from overseas but that did not cover efforts to influence the electoral system.

The Obama administration rolled the executive order out to great fanfare as a way to punish and deter foreign hackers who harm U.S. economic or national security.


9 Comments on I’m Glad Obama Is Doing Something About Foreign Hacking – Even If His Excuse For Doing So Is Ridiculous

  1. He just wants it to look like NSA is actually monitoring foreign threats instead of spying on conservatives. Lots of “clean-up” work to be done so the new administration doesn’t find out what the traitor has been up to.

    I hope one day Putin meets 0bama in a bar and takes his scrawny ass out back and makes him apologize for being such an arrogant, lying, asshole.

  2. Where’s the beef?

    Sanctions are not a silver bullet. Obama noted that “we already have enormous numbers of sanctions against the Russians” for their activities in Ukraine. So it is questionable, some experts say, whether adding new ones would have a meaningful effect in changing the Kremlin’s behavior. But in combination with other measures, they could be effective.

  3. This one really takes the proverbial cake! We’re supposed to believe that the most narcissistic, self-centered, self-obsessed, childish, conceited, egotistical, selfie-taking, maladroit, Bullgarian-speaking, Benghazi bullshitting, purple-lipped, jug-eared liar actually gives a shit about somebody else’s election?
    Gimme a fuckin break!!

  4. I’m beginning to think the DNC saw the writing on the wall and hacked themselves in a last ditch appeal to the LOFO crowd. They saw their legacy in flames and added a sprinkle of doubt to keep their hardcore followers satiated with the false propaganda they desire.

    Since the election, not a single democrat has come forward and said; I fucked up, if I had only done “X,” things would be different.

    Better to blame, bitch and deflect, because that’s what liberals do.

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