Don Lemon: If CNN Ignores Trump’s Tweets, He’ll Be Forced To Hold A Press Conference – IOTW Report

Don Lemon: If CNN Ignores Trump’s Tweets, He’ll Be Forced To Hold A Press Conference

Warning: Please swallow all food and beverage before reading. Not responsible for anyone choking, split sides, or falling off chairs from oxygen loss due to laughter.  Contents of Don Lemon’s head may have settled during transit.


Don Lemon believes that if Donald Trump is given less airtime by cable news channels he will be forced to hold a press conference.

The president-elect has not held a press conference in five months, and has chosen instead to use Twitter to announce his cabinet nominations. The CNN anchor said that if he was a news executive, he would not cover Trump’s tweets.

“Can I say something?” Lemon said on the air Tuesday. “That’s the whole point. That’s the strategy. He can’t sit down with the media because then he legitimizes the media which he rallies or rails so much against.”

“He still needs us more than we need him,” he added.


33 Comments on Don Lemon: If CNN Ignores Trump’s Tweets, He’ll Be Forced To Hold A Press Conference

  1. Don’t overstate your importance, Don. You can ignore Trump, but no one cares – you’re with CNN. Your network and the New York Times are in a race to oblivion, but at least the Times is pretending to now be unbiased. Besides, there are things called “other cable news channels” and the “internet” – if CNN wants to go away, few people will notice.

  2. You mean that’s not from a comedy skit from SNL? I haven’t watched CNN for about 30 years or so when my friend Dave Walker (and wife Lois) kicked off their headline news. After the early 90’s it turned to shit.

  3. Hey Don, the world does NOT revolve around you nor your CNN. Pop the bubblegum, bitch. No one cares about you or your “news gloryhole”. You and the rest of your CNN tribe need to fine nother jobs.

  4. CNN is the Lifetime Channel of cable news: All drama, writ large, dealt according to a tired formula, targeted to screwed up demographics, with programs indistinguishable from each other.

  5. Trump should fill the press pool with new media people and eschew the leftist outlets. Instead of a NYT reporter, have one from Breitbart. Instead of CNN, have one from iotwreport! I think everyone would enjoy the news reported from MJA or BFH!

  6. They just don’t know how to adapt to the changing landscape of their craft. Can you smell the aroma of their desperation? Hint: it smells like a high school locker room in mid summer, or a sack of rotten potatoes.
    Oooo, can you smell that smell? The smell of it surrounds you.

  7. So, if I stop posting about my love for Pamela Anderson, she’ll buy her own plane ticket to make the sexy time with me in my palatial goat shack in Kazakhstan? Well, I’m sorry Miss Pamela, but when you’ve learned your lesson, you know where to service me.

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