She’s Wrapped Tight and Tied Loose – IOTW Report

She’s Wrapped Tight and Tied Loose


Beverly Hillbillies – Season 1, Episode 27: Granny’s Spring Tonic

A gold digger tries to sink her claws into Uncle Jed.

Watch the full episode HERE.

(No sound during the opening sequence due to copyrights covering the song).

5 Comments on She’s Wrapped Tight and Tied Loose

  1. OT/ Public service announcement.

    A friend of mine has two tickets for the 2017 Super Bowl, both box seats. He paid $4,500 each and didn’t realize last year when he bought them that this was going to be on the same day as his wedding.
    If you are interested he is looking for someone to take his place…It’s at St Peter’s Church, in Atlanta, GA at 3pm. Her name is Sara. She’s 5’4″, about 115 lbs, good cook, makes over 100k… She will be the one in the white dress down in the front.

  2. My favorite line from the Beverly Hillbillies was when Uncle Jed and Jethro were gazing out over the Pacific, and Jethro exclaimed, “Off yonder in that direction is the island of Hi-wi-ya!”

    Jed narrowed his eyes and stared off into the distance and said, “Boy, you sure got yourself a mighty fine pair of eyes!”

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