2 Guys Buy High Visibility Vests And Discover They Can Walk Into any Venue They Want For Free – IOTW Report

2 Guys Buy High Visibility Vests And Discover They Can Walk Into any Venue They Want For Free

Just walk in like you’re doing something important.


The movies


The Zoo


A Coldplay concert


ht/ all too much

25 Comments on 2 Guys Buy High Visibility Vests And Discover They Can Walk Into any Venue They Want For Free

  1. I wrote the Homeland Security department about this years ago.
    Lazlo is an Insurance Adjuster.
    I also have done the Building Inspector thang.
    If you wear a hardhat, carry a clip board, some clean work duds and a vest you can go almost anywhere.
    I have been asked: “How did you get in here?” about a million times.
    Shows, factories, anywhere employees are not in the power structure, you just breeze in and look at stuff like you own it.

  2. One year I gave a box of chocolate pretzels to my clients as a Christmas present. Each box was unmarked, and about 16x16x16. Three of my clients happened to be in the same downtown building which had annoying tight-ass complex security, where they ask where you’re going and give you a pass for that office and floor. So, I showed up there struggling to carry three boxes. When they asked me where I was going I said to three different offices. They handed me a special card to use the freight elevator and I was right in. Thus, I had the run of the building carrying large boxes with contents unknown to “security”.

  3. In the old days it was clipboards.

    We had a thief at the Longworth Loading Dock who stole a pallet of Lux soap (circa 1975). When the cop was questioned about it, he exclaimed “Well, he had a clipboard!”

    Another guy with a clipboard interrupted a pipe-laying job. Shut down the backhoe and was getting the direction of the laying changed when the owner showed up and put an end to the charade.

    Fukkin Demonrats.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. There’s an old church and cemetery near here that has a beautiful 1880’s wrought iron fence. It wasn’t anchored in anything and coming out of the ground. I contemplated putting some nonsense gov’t appearing logo on the H’s truck, wearing a Dickie’s work suit, hard hat and stealing the fence for my garden. I expect I could have done it easily except I’m law abiding most of the time.
    The church wised up, repaired the fence and anchored it in concrete.

    Personal experience it’s easy to get in places if you dress right, are older and act confident, if not a little intimidating, as if you belong. Sadly this has worked when it shouldn’t have.

  5. And another thing, when I worked in downtown Cleveland security was supposed to check any boxes or large containers that went out of the building to make sure you weren’t stealing especially confidential files. These were the days before office PC’s and discs were common.

    We had some large electronic equipment stolen by an employee who was leaving. I couldn’t figure out how he got it out of the building. Our office manager told me a handy trick which was just put stuff in a Higbee’s or May Co bag and security doesn’t care and doesn’t check. Security just thought it was your personal shopping. Dumb asses.

  6. I can attest to all of the above. Being a phone man I discovered back in the 90’s I could go anywhere without question if I had my tool belt and my test set.


    I did some phone work for a bank, wandering around behind the tellers and the vault (I was really working but no one questioned anything). Into and out of jails. Movie lots. The guys who took care of Warner Brothers Studios would just hold up their test set as they walked by the guard and they would be waved on.

    If you want to be “Extra Believable” a telephone test set is called a “Butt Set”.

    Yeah, DB Cooper had nothing on my plan.

  7. If you are wearing the right uniform, you and a couple buddies can walk into any hotel lobby and take several items of furniture. As long as you have a clip board in hand, no one would question you.

  8. This phenomenon falls under social engineering and is the biggest security threat of them all. What good is the best firewall in the world if the bad guys can just walk on in?

  9. We got into one of the greatest concerts in Rock & Roll history, Newport ’69, by carrying empty hat boxes. They thought we were working a booth.
    I was 13 years old and got so stoned I can’t remember how I got home.

  10. UPS watches Craiglist and eBay to make sure no one sells their jackets just for that very reason. You can get thrown in the slammer if and when you get caught.

    Him getting into a Coldplay concert just cracked me up because they SUCK.

  11. Back in the 70s, I remember hearing of some college kids donning city worker outfits, rope off a large section of a downtown street, then proceed to jackhammer the whole area.

    No one stopped them.

  12. Reminds me when I worked for Muzak, had a butt-in set. Would drive down alleys after 5pm, find a phone co cross-connect, hook in and dial long distance for free. Cops just drove by.

  13. In University, was doing a geological survey for a term paper an the best place for photos was road cuts. It was raining and I had on a yellow rubberized “construction-worker” rain coat, clip-board and camera. I walked onto one site and had two guys run over to me and apologize for not having removed a specific tree yet…wow…the power of looking like you belong.

    Another time working a demo as a vendor to Home Depot, two of us filled an entire flat-deck cart with product and walked out the contractor door to the parking lot where we were setting up. The alarms went off from the anti-theft tags in our product, we smiled, waved and said, “It’s OK, it’s just us!” The people had never seen us before and just waved back. We looked an each other and just shook our heads.

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