California Law Prevents Police From Arresting Underage Prostitutes – IOTW Report

California Law Prevents Police From Arresting Underage Prostitutes

The Washington Examiner headline is a little specious – California Democrats legalize child prostitution.

That’s not what happened. It’s still illegal for someone to either-

A: pimp a child

B: pay a child for sex

The thinking behind this progressive law is, well, progressive, which is synonymous with asinine.

These lunkheads think this will help with the child sex trafficking crisis. It won’t. What happens now is the police lose all their leverage in getting the pimps arrested.

When the child was facing being institutionalized they would give up their pimps in order to stay out of the penal system.

Now they will tell the police that they “don’t know anything,” because there is no more leverage to get them to talk.

Story here.

ht/ js

9 Comments on California Law Prevents Police From Arresting Underage Prostitutes

  1. Relax, just California Exalted Leadership logic. California Royalty has busted their collective ass trying to turn law abiding gun owning citizens into criminals. However if you steal a handgun that’s valued under $900.00 it’s a misdemeanor.

  2. People need to stop saying that their “intentions are good” or that they are sincere in their beliefs. Why assume Democrats are opposed to the “unintended” consequences.
    Everything Democrats push for, advocates that Humans are really just animals and that we would be better off if we acted on any bodily urges.

  3. Child sex trafficing is a big problem in California. No question. The only thing this law does, though, is give some politicians something to their name on and all the rest of them to feel good about. Like everything else they do, no concern for what the law will do, just make sure they feel good voting for it.

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