Chicago’s year ends with 762 homicides – IOTW Report

Chicago’s year ends with 762 homicides

Chicago Tribune: An argument between two men at an Uptown bar in the early hours of Jan. 1 ended with the two shooting at one another, leaving both dead.

chicago tribune
chicago tribune

Their deaths ushered in the new year, marking the first and second homicides of 2017 and keeping up 2016’s pace of violence – levels that haven’t marred the city for 20 years.

By the time police were dispatched to the double homicide at 4:30 a.m. there had already been an officer-involved shooting, according to Chicago police. A man who led police on a car chase, before physically resisting arrest, ultimately was shot by an officer before 3 a.m. That man, whose name was not released and for whom a warrant was issued, was in critical condition Sunday.  more

21 Comments on Chicago’s year ends with 762 homicides

  1. Chicago, the progressive/democrat anti-gun utopia where minority neighborhoods receive huge amounts of federal and state assistance and are free to eliminate each other as long as they stay on the democrat plantation.

    For generations they willingly chose to become Slaves to the democrat overseers who know the only time Black Lives Matter is on election day.

    A pitiful display of exploitation, dependence and ignorance, but they stay on the plantation and the checks and freebies keep coming.

  2. “And the beat goes on …”
    Must be ray-cism! Prolly a bunch of rednecks in pick-em-up trucks driving like madmen throughout the town killing innocent negroes. Or maybe the Amish … they been known to kill people, too. Evil, lily-white muthuh-fukkahs!

    Oh … it’s black dudes killing other black dudes?
    Well, the fukkin COPS shoulda done somethin bout that!
    Evil, lily-white, muthuh-fukkin, cops!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I understand that most denizens of Chicago are at least mildly retarded however their gutters are running with blood and yet year after year, decade after decade they elect corrupt city councillor’s, controllers, DA’s, Mayors all members of the noxious Democrat party and the killing just continues. Not all the victims of this slaughter are gun toting, gang-banging, drug-dealing thug wannabe rap stars who deserve to die face down in the street but are innocents caught in the crossfire. Who knows what these people may have accomplished with the rest of their lives. Conservatives that want to see the slaughter stopped ought to run on a campaign promising not to reduce welfare benefits during their term. It might work.

  4. Until blacks learn that life is precious this will never stop. Under democRat rule that will not happen. Parenting and education to instill in these young black the words of the Ten Commandments and that those words matter.

  5. @Major Mal; naw, it will never get to 800 because it’s fun with numbers. They may have been shot to pieces on the 31st but you can bet Rahm was down there donating his own blood so they don’t pass this veil until the 1st so they will go on the 2017 tally. It’s kind of like how the government reports how rosy the employment picture is with all these job gains and yet more and more people have just given up trying to find a job and the welfare and food stamp numbers keep going up. Fun with numbers.

  6. if it wasn’t for black on black illegally possessed gun shootings in big cities and abortion mills in black neighborhoods, we would be up to our armpits in black slave descendants voting democrat, instead of abortion doctors driving around in lamborghinis.

  7. Shitcago ended with 795… not 765 and the number may exceed 800 if a few clingers on life support die that were shot in the last few days of 2016.

  8. From the article: “Data kept by the Chicago Tribune tallied at least 781 homicides for the year; the Police Department statistics do not include killings on area expressways…” If the statistics don’t include killings on expressways (who knew there even were any?) then I wonder what the REAL number is?

  9. Speaking of Dems with AIDS, “tiny dancer” is looking more and more emaciated all the time.

    It will be fun when Trump’s US Marshals arrive at the mayors residence 3 AM with the sanctuary city arrest warrants and the news crews.

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