More than 1,100 migrants fight riot police as they storm Spanish border – IOTW Report

More than 1,100 migrants fight riot police as they storm Spanish border


RIOT police fought running battles with a mob of more than a thousand migrants who tried to storm Europe’s borders and force their way into the Spanish enclave of Ceuta today.


At least 1,100 asylum seekers rushed the barbed wire fence protecting the tiny north African enclave, which is surrounded on all sides by Morocco, in a desperate bid to reach the EU.

Spanish and Moroccan authorities desperately fought to restore order as the migrants, most from sub-Saharan Africa, scaled the border barrier and brawled with police.

Once inside the miniscule Spanish territory they would be able to claim asylum in Spain or travel onwards towards the promised lands of Germany and Sweden.  more here

16 Comments on More than 1,100 migrants fight riot police as they storm Spanish border

  1. We, and especially the Fake-News Press, need to stop placating these Cretins with Politically Correct terms of endearment.
    “Migrants” and “asylum seekers” they are not!
    They’re mad, mindless, hate-filled, brutally savage, indiscriminately murdering cave-men invaders who love hating the West more than loving their own children!
    They are the Borg.
    You don’t coddle them.
    You don’t negotiate with them.
    You send them back to the Hell they came from and let them enjoy their well-worn “virgins”

  2. The Africans in Africa fight to get into white dominated countries and the Africans in white dominated countries claim that it’s a fate worse than death (They do not leave, however)!

  3. It’s called “Hijrah.” Young men enter the country as asylum seekers or immigrants, then become warriors. Our liberal, socialist politicians do not read or understand history, either that or they just don’t give a shit.

  4. Maybe it’s time to be cruel to be kind. Set up the machine guns and a few gunships and shoot without mercy. Let them remove up their own dead according to their customs and wait for the next attack with bolstered defenses. After a few of these the migration will stop.

  5. BECAUSE BIGEARS HUSSEIN is no president. He is a Manchurian Candidate mole and plant. Time to stop him and arrest him without warrant. Call in the military and take him down.

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