The Real Fight Lies Ahead – IOTW Report

The Real Fight Lies Ahead


Winning the election merely sets the stage for the coming war.  The conflict will define us and the nature of the American people for generations to come.  What we were, has been eroded by years of progressive thought and leftist ideology.  Can we go back to who we once were or redefine ourselves as something worth fighting for?  Because what they have tried to make us and what they want us to become, is awful.

The coming battles require clear guidelines on how to conduct the fight,  like this piece from across the pond.



9 Comments on The Real Fight Lies Ahead

  1. Just wait until the next election comes in
    two years. I don’t think the slaughter is over.

    Remember that whole “4 boxes of liberty” thingy
    and all. Do you know you can buy over twenty foot
    lengths of piano wire off of that amazoni thing for a reasonable
    price? 🙂

  2. Disagree on not getting “Prof. White Genocide” fired, because “we’re better than they are.”

    They sort of “thinking” got all those RINO/GOPe Presidents elected, after all….

    The ONLY way to stop these bastards is to be SURE there are CONSEQUENCES for their actions. It’ their Kryptonite, since everything they usually do ensures they *avoid* consequences.

  3. It will be increasingly difficult for the commander-in-chief (Trump) to wield his forces and implement his strategy when his disloyal Senior Officers (Ryan and McConnell) will delay, obstruct or change his orders before they are conveyed to the troops.

    Trump needs a loyal officer corps………..he doesn’t have that now. What he does have to contend with (ryan and mcCONnell) are the swamp masters.
    Drain the swamp.

  4. Regardless of what rank-and-file leftists say their ideological roots are communism and socialism. Both of these ideologies are based in the distruction of the west and of the capitalism system, by any means necessary. Having “good intentions” or being ignorant of the facts doesn’t make them any less of an enemy of freedom and democracy.
    We need a new Mccarthy to root these people out, shame them, and isolate them. Point them out as the traitors that they are. Bernie Sanders is advocating for usurpation of our republic, and the installation of an even more authoritarian despotic government. He is advocating for treason and sedition. He should not be in the government, he should be in prison.

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